Chapter 1203 A Small Horn (57)


She spoke excitedly and walked towards Zhennan Hou Shizi.

Zhennan Hou Shizi didn't expect her to agree easily, and stretched out his hand.

"Swipe!" The dagger cut down.

Zhennan Hou Shizi's arms were cut off.

"Ah—" he screamed while clutching his wound.

Her Royal Highness wiped the iron-cut dagger, and smiled: "I don't like the kind of work that starts early and waits until late."

"You're kidding me!" Zhennan Hou Shizi was furious.

"It's you who is playing tricks!" Her Royal Highness attacked violently with a dagger in her hand.

Zhennan Hou Shizi retreated again and again, a large amount of blood was left on the wound, and he was already dizzy due to excessive blood loss.

"After all, I am your cousin, the only male."

"Sorry, I don't like this."

Under the strong attack of His Royal Highness and Bai Yu, Zhennanhou Shizi finally fell to the ground exhausted.

Her Royal Highness picked up the mask with a dagger, and instantly turned pale with shock, "You are not!"

The man laughed strangely: "Didn't Her Royal Highness use a fake to fight at first?"

As soon as the words fell, he vomited black blood.

"You can't die, tell me where he is!"

Her Royal Highness pinched the man's chin forcefully, but it was too late, the poisonous wax pill hidden in the back of the teeth had already been bitten open, and the poison entered the throat.

The man was silent, his eyes wide open, dead.

Bai Yu was still in a runaway state at the moment, seeing that the target had fallen, he was going to attack another target.

Her Royal Highness took off the mask and looked at him: "Be sober, we have all been tricked!"

Seeing the beautiful face in front of her, even Bai Yu who lost her mind was stunned for a moment, stopped attacking, tilted her head, and stared at her face foolishly.

Her Highness the Eldest Princess supported her forehead, reached out to take off Bai Yu's mask, leaned closer, and lightly touched his lips.

Bai Yu blinked, her face gradually flushed red, and her thoughts seemed to return slowly due to the blood in her head.

"Are you awake?" Her Royal Highness asked.

Bai Yu tilted her head and smiled foolishly.

But the snickering in his eyes still betrayed him, and Her Royal Highness said angrily, "Don't pretend to be stupid when you're awake."

Seeing that he couldn't trick the second kiss, Bai Yu could only nod his head.

Her Royal Highness pointed to the dead body on the ground, "You and I have joined forces and exhausted all means, you even used secret techniques, and in the end what you got in return was just the life of a fake."

Bai Yu's expression also became serious.

Excessive consumption, and the use of the secret technique of the Wang family with a different surname, within three months, he lost all his internal energy, and his limbs were weak, which was equivalent to a paralysis.

At such a time, if an enemy came to the door, he would surely die.

"Can't move for three months?" Her Royal Highness asked.

Bai Yu nodded: "Your Highness, you will be responsible for my diet and daily life for these three months."

"Heh! I'll arrange a little maid for you."

"That won't work. I've been allergic to women since I was a child, and I get red rashes when I get close to them."

The eldest princess rolled her eyes: "Just make it up."

If there was such a strange disease, it would have occurred long ago!

Bai Yu is indeed a fool, but he just wants to get it right, and no one can get close to him except Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess!
"Actually, within three months, except for the person who kissed me awake, no one else can touch me, not even a servant."

Not even a man this time!
Her Royal Highness didn't bother to pay attention to him, and dragged the corpse back.

Bai Yu followed behind her, "Once the sun goes down, I will become a cripple, and I ask the princess to take pity on me then!"

(End of this chapter)

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