Chapter 121 The Two Grandsons Are Revealed

The real daughter and the fake daughter live under the same roof, and conflicts cannot be avoided. In addition, the fake daughter is a person with ulterior motives and has framed the real daughter many times.

The whole family has become accustomed to doting on the fake daughter, and it is obvious at a glance that the fake daughter is framing the real daughter, but each of them is like a blind man who can't see it, and selectively only believes the one-sided words of the fake daughter, and then one by one. To crusade against the real daughter.

The fake daughter is very content to take away the real daughter's things, such as the love of her parents, the love of her elders, and she even wants to take away the love of the real daughter's childhood sweetheart boyfriend.

The fake daughter has received a good education since she was a child, the most advanced maintenance and beauty care, and if she eats well, she will grow taller, have a plump figure, and have everything she should have. However, the real daughter dropped out of school early, and her fake parents did not give her tuition to study. She is exposed to the sun and rain I have a part-time job, my skin is not good, and because of hunger and fullness, I have lost weight like an airport.

Under the various temptations of the fake daughter, the real daughter's boyfriend still cheated.

In the back, Cheng Guodong really couldn't stand it anymore, he was extremely uncomfortable, and was so disgusted that he couldn't eat.

If it weren't for his younger sister Xiao Taotie's delicious food, seeing her eating would make people feel hungry involuntarily, and it is estimated that he would not be able to eat for several days.

"If you leave fake daughters like those bloody dramas, I will definitely not let my sister associate with you and completely sever this relationship! Anyway, it's the same with or without you. When she needs you most, you It didn't show up!"

Cheng Guodong still clearly remembers that when he saw his younger sister appearing on the show that Manli participated in, he almost cried out. That thin, pitiful girl with a growling stomach was suppressing her hunger, and all she wanted was for the female star to have a little liking for her. , a loveless and thin little girl, the most frightening thing is that her adoptive mother beat her as soon as she saw her, and didn't listen to her explanation at all, as if she was used to beating.

Later, when he got along with his younger sister, he pretended to inadvertently ask about the past, and when her younger sister talked about it carelessly, he realized that she was really used to beating her. Since the twins were born, they have regarded her as right and wrong The little maid who hit and scolded.

If it wasn't for his younger sister who saved him, and he was a kind-hearted person who specially investigated his sister's affairs, learned of the black-hearted company's plan, and signed his younger sister out, he wouldn't have dared to think about being his younger sister's biological parents. It is found that the child has been transferred, and when the child is found, is the child safe? has been ruined long ago.

Taking a deep breath, Cheng Guodong said with a serious face, "Since you are late, there is no need to show up again. Your presence will only disrupt my sister's peaceful life."

Facing Cheng Guodong's cold eyes, the old man's eyes were red and his voice was choked up, "It's our fault that we didn't show up when she needed us the most, but please believe that we all hope that she will grow up healthy and happy. I hope she is happy. We know that our sudden appearance will disrupt her life, and we also know that you two brothers are very kind to her. Although you are not her biological brothers, I watch the old man every day. You must be better than her Her two biological brothers are more reliable, and they are really kind to her!"

"We were also afraid that our presence would scare her, so my two grandsons and I chose the most conservative way. We didn't reveal our identities, we just approached her, tried to be nice to her, and wanted to She slowly accepted us."

Qin Xin grasped the point and interrupted: "You said that you and your two grandsons have begun to approach her? Who are your two grandsons, and who have we ignored?"

"Tao...your surname is Tao! I remembered, Tao Shen! That brat who suddenly appeared on the set and took his sister to eat roast duck seemed too enthusiastic! So he is my sister's real brother, no wonder he behaved so suspiciously. They are all too enthusiastic!" Cheng Guodong slapped his head: "There is also a brat named Tao in Shaolin Temple, Tao Bin is also your grandson, right?"

 It was updated to the sixth update yesterday, and it is almost 0:[-].

  Although the seventh watch has already exceeded 0 o'clock, it is counted as yesterday!
  I planned to update ten chapters yesterday!

  My dears, I will complete Chapter [-], this is the seventh update, not today's, but yesterday's.

  Today's chapter is updated tonight!

  I will send the eighth update, the ninth update, and the tenth update later, and I will make ten more updates!

  I passed the second round of recommendation. During the recommendation period, I climbed to No.2 of the new book, and now it is No.4. Little Taotie is stable and will not be eliminated!
  So I added more to celebrate, on the basis of the original four, this day added six more, a total of ten more!Thank you everyone!Thank you to the babies who voted for me during the second round of recommendation, thank you for your precious recommendation votes for Xiao Taotie, I love you, huh~ heart to heart~~

(End of this chapter)

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