Chapter 1212 The Cub Thinks He's Stupid
For the seven-year-old cub, she doesn't know what an unforgettable love is, and she doesn't know what love is suffering. She only knows that the final ending is not good, it is a very tiring and unpleasant thing.

Feng Qi: "Don't you think that Her Royal Highness has fallen in love with him long ago, but she has been forbearing and protecting him."

Little Taotie shook his head: "I don't think so."

Feng Qi changed the question: "Don't you think it's touching that the eldest princess has never been married and has been guarding him?"

Little Taotie shook his head resolutely: "I don't think so."

Feng Qi: "Actually, Bai Yu is too inferior. If he doesn't disappear for four years, maybe they can be together in these four years, and then find a divine doctor to heal their illnesses. Maybe they can live a few more years, stay together, and enjoy the last time."

Little Taotie frowned, and asked back: "When he was the most beautiful man in the world, His Majesty the Princess let him go when he was stalking him, and he became the ugliest man in the world. Will you be with him? It would be embarrassing for him not to leave."

Feng Qi: "..."

Little Taotie hummed twice: "It's just that Her Royal Highness is not good!"

Feng Qi: "..."

Little Taotie got excited and insisted on trying to figure out the truth, she stretched out her white fleshy hand, raised a finger, and said in a childish voice, "Bai Yu came all the way to find her, she is sincere, she But with a cold look, Bai Yu put his hot face on his cold butt to make her happy, she was obviously very happy in her heart, but she still wanted to tell people to fuck off! Wrong words, bad guy!"

Feng Qi: "..." It makes sense, but I can't refute it.

Little Taotie raised up his second finger, and said, "Bai Yu's big moves, he's paralyzed, and he should be by his side all the time, but she just left as soon as she said it! The worst thing is that Bai Yu has all Having said that, you can't let go of killing mistakes, she is still indecisive! Hmph, Bai Yu will be taken away, and it will be her fault!"

Feng Qi: "...Yes!"

Feng Qi felt that she was being led by the little Taotie, and she actually felt a wave of anger!
It's still the God of War with a touch of spirit, so stupid, he has no brains!
I didn't see God of War being an indecisive person, how did he become His Royal Highness, and he became like that!Stupid!
Before the little Taotie finished, he raised his third finger and said angrily, "Bai Yu's face has been disfigured, he must be very sad, he must be coaxed at this time, coax him well, and find a miracle doctor who can help him restore his appearance." , standing by his side every second, not letting him think about it! In the end, he was given a chance to leave, inexplicably, so irritating! Hehehe—"

Feng Qi was amused by the little Taotie's angry look: "Stop humming, the snot will come out, haha!"

Little Taotie really touched his little nose, angrily: "No!"

Feng Qi narrowed her fox eyes, her eyes were full of shrewdness, "I thought about it carefully, and there is indeed something strange."

Little Taotie put his hands on his hips: "If God of War is so stupid, I won't like it!"

She doesn't want to be as stupid as Bai Yu!
Feng Qi's big tail patted the little Taotie's little hand lightly, "Don't be angry, my little cutie. Maybe someone is making trouble, you said you can force Bai Yu to become conscious when he's drunk, is that right?" One possibility is that Her Royal Highness is the soul of the God of War, which is inherently flawed and not strong enough, and some consciousness was forcibly changed by someone."

Little Taotie frowned: "If that's the case, who would it be?"

"The prince of Zhennan Hou turned into a bird in the end, are you sure?"

Little Taotie nodded his head: "In the dream, I saw him turning into a blue bird, flying higher and higher, and then he disappeared."

Feng Qi narrowed her fox eyes: "The blue bird reminds me of a green luan."

(End of this chapter)

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