Chapter 1222
Little Taotie was about to dig up the incense ash to take a look when Nie Qing stopped him.

"Dangerous, I'm coming."

Nie Qing took out a triangular folded talisman, burned it and put it in the incense burner.

A trace of blood appeared in the originally rising gray smoke!
Nie Qing gasped: "It's so bloody."

Nie Qing held an ancient silver spoon full of runes, and shoveled the incense ash.

The incense ash, which seems to be loose, is as hard as cement at this moment.

Nie Qing tried his best, but couldn't dig at all.

He couldn't clean up this thing for the time being, so he had to bring back the seal of the Nie family ancestors.

Nie Qing looked serious, "I'll take this thing away."

The beautiful woman nodded again and again, "Take it away if you can. I tried to throw it away, but I threw it away during the day, but it will appear on my pillow at night!"

The ancient little Ah Piao looked at Little Taotie, and while he was still rational, he sighed: "It's useless, she has already been imprinted, unless she dies, it won't end—"

He wanted to say something, but his eyes were covered in pitch black, and the whites of his eyes disappeared!
A pair of deep eyes, like endless black holes, stared at the beautiful woman lifelessly.

Nie Qing put away the censer, but the little Ah Piao in the censer got out of the censer and bit the beautiful woman's neck.

The beautiful woman felt a pain in her neck, she lost all strength and felt dizzy.

Chen Zi hurriedly helped her, and Nie Qing played a talisman. Before the talisman hit Xiao Apiao, it ignited and burned to powder.

The little Taotie jumped up and grabbed the braid on top of the little Ah Piao's head.

Xiao Ah Piao is full of sharp teeth opening and closing, making a "click, click" sound!

"Little braid, calm down!"

Little Taotie touched little Ah Piao's head, and gave this kid who looked many years younger than him a nickname.

The three or four-year-old little Ah Piao had a mouth full of sharp teeth, bruised skin, and no whites of the eyes. He looked like a scary little monster, and he was no longer human.

Little Ah Piao let out a ferocious roar, like the roar of a very hungry beast.

Even if it is a ferocious beast, it will be difficult to break free if it falls into the hands of the little Taotie, let alone a little Ah Piao who is caught by the pigtail.

Little Ah Piao was very fierce at first, but gradually... like a poor little animal locked in a cage and unable to break free from its chains, decadent, powerless, powerless, his rage turned into whimpering, "Hoho... woo... "

Nie Qing felt sorry for him, and coughed dryly: "Put it in the incense burner, and I'll see if I can seal it."

Little Taotie shook his head: "We must dig out what's inside, the braid was forced, he didn't want to hurt innocent people."

As she came into contact with more and more black energy and resentment from Xiao Zhuzi, Xiao Taotie learned some of Xiao Zhuzi's memories from it.

Little Braid is an ancient prince who was killed when he was three years old, and his soul was drawn out, and he was raised as a little Ah Piao.

It is also commonly known as raising little ghosts.

She also understood from it why the little braid is both an evil spirit and a resentful spirit, because he is actually a resentful spirit, but he was forced to do evil things and was covered in sin, so he turned into a resentful spirit.

Nie Qing was distressed: "It can't be dug at all."

Little Taotie took the silver spoon: "Let me try it."

"Then you must be careful." Nie Qing stayed by her side, afraid that something terrible would suddenly come out of the incense burner.

To Nie Qing, incense ash was as hard as cement, but in the hands of Xiao Taotie, it was just soft tofu.

Little Taotie scooped it up with ease.

Nie Qing sighed: "You are really talented."

After digging out the layers of incense ash, the things at the bottom of the incense burner finally revealed their true colors.

It is a strange jade tablet, with white suet jade on the front and black black ink jade on the back.

One side of the white jade is engraved with a birth date.

Another birthday character was engraved on Moyu's side.

Nie Qing checked Cha Baiyu's date of birth, and was shocked to find that he was a corrupt official in ancient times.

The date of birth on the back was not found.

At this time, the blackness in the eyes of little Apiao, who was being held by Xiao Taotie's pigtails, dissipated a little, and gradually cleared up, his eyes were fixed on the birth date on the black jade, and he murmured: " my birthday..."

(End of this chapter)

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