Chapter 1229 Death is not the end

Hua Jin said: "Where you appear, is there someone leaving?"

The little pigtail's eyes stared in one direction.

Hua Jinyan and Xiao Taotie looked in this direction, and it turned out to be the driver!
Hua Jinyan's eyelids twitched: "Is he going to die?"

The little pigtail opened the notebook and looked at it: "There are still 10 minutes, and he will go into shock due to fatigue driving."

Hua Jinyan stood up suddenly: "The people in this car are all dangerous!"

The little braid shook his head: "Don't worry, I will only take him away, and the others will be fine."

Little Taotie was puzzled: "I'm about to drive, if he gets into an accident while driving, will the people in this car be fine?"

Pigtail pointed to himself: "Look, there is no one in my seat yet."

"By the way, where is Xiaopang?" Little Taotie wondered, "Why didn't he come?"

At this moment, the head teacher is also looking for Xiaopang.

Fatty arrived late, pulling a suitcase, "Teacher, wait for me, don't drive, don't forget me!"

The homeroom teacher said with a sullen face, "Why did you drag a suitcase here!"

Fatty said helplessly: "My mother made it all, she insisted on me taking it with me, and asked me to share it with everyone."

The head teacher was helpless: "Then get in the car."


"what happened again?"

"Teacher, my stomach hurts suddenly!"

"It's almost time." Seeing that the cars of other classes had already left, the teacher in charge said distressedly, "Hurry up and come back."

"Okay, teacher, you must wait for me!"

Fatty waved his legs and ran away, trying to hold his butt.

The homeroom teacher held his forehead, looked at the suitcase, and muttered to himself: "Isn't he eating something bad? Did he eat the things in this box? No, we can't let him share it with the children. When the time comes The whole class is going to the toilet!"

As time passed, the pigtail stood up and walked towards the driver.

Little Taotie asked, "How much longer?"

In Pigtail's perspective, there is a digital clock above the driver's head.

At the moment it shows: 【00:00.30】

The little braid replied: "There are still 30 seconds."

Little Taotie looked at the driver, who looked about 50 to [-] years old, his skin was very red and dark, as if he had noticed someone watching him, he turned around and showed a kind smile to Little Taotie.

Little Taotie couldn't bear it, turned his face away, clenched his fists slightly, and bit his lower lip.

She wanted to stop it, but she also knew that it was not something she could stop.

The little braid told her that every person who is about to die has a time limit, which is displayed above his head, and he must leave when the time is up.

Some will go back to the underworld as errands, some will go to reincarnation, some will go to hell to be tortured, and some will go to another realm.

Before the little braid took him away, the little braid didn't know the final return of this person.

If Xiao Taotie stopped him, it might be the person's way to go to another realm.

The little braid said that the best place to go is to go to another realm, but unfortunately, it takes a very powerful person to go there, even the eminent monk can only be a judge, the eminent monk said that maybe he is reincarnated Only after several lifetimes and becoming a high-ranking monk can one be qualified to go to another realm.

"Sister, don't be sad. Death is not the end, it's just another beginning." The little braid comforted her, "Maybe the driver uncle can go to another realm, or maybe he can become my colleague, or maybe he can go to the next reincarnation and become a very happy person." What about happy people?"

Little Taotie nodded and closed his eyes.

At this moment, the time above the driver's head shows: 【00:00.03】

Only three seconds left.

(End of this chapter)

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