Chapter 1237

Children run around all day, take a shower and go to bed when they get home, and fall asleep after occupying the bed.

Some children are still awakened by nightmares, remembering the driver's death.

For those who are big-hearted, they dream until dawn.

A little ignorant and wet the bed at night, but it's not a big deal.

Little Taotie woke up with a dry mouth in the middle of the night, and seeing Xiao Zhuang standing beside her bed, she rubbed her eyes and asked, "Are you done?"

The little pigtail nodded his head: "Your Majesty Judge gave me a task, and I don't want to do other things for the time being."

"What mission?" Little Taotie was curious.

Little Braid giggled: "Look for that blue bird."

"Originally, the judge asked me to draw it, and then sent many ghosts to look for it together, but just after I finished the drawing, the piece of paper would spontaneously ignite, so I had to be the only one to look for it."

Little Taotie was puzzled: "Why did it spontaneously ignite?"

The little braid scratched his head: "Master Judge said that the blue bird is very powerful, so it cannot be spied on. Being drawn is also a kind of spying. It will automatically block all prying eyes, so the drawn paper will spontaneously ignite."

"Is it very powerful?" Little Taotie pursed his lips.

She felt that the blue bird was coming towards her. If the blue bird was very powerful, would she be in danger?

Just like in a dream, the blue bird turned into Zhennanhou's son and killed the fiancés of His Royal Highness, what will this blue bird do when it comes to this world?
Little braid brought up the case of Qingniao's murder, "After asking for a long time, it turned out that Qingniao killed the person, and the three A Piao were all wronged, and because the wronged soul was killed by Qingniao, he was confused when he arrived in the underworld. I don’t know who was killed. Fortunately, two drunkards saw it at the time, otherwise this matter would not be clear..."

Little Taotie quietly listened to what little braid said about it.

Bluebird can kill?

Just like in that dream, the dream of His Royal Highness, the blue bird can also kill.

It's just that the blue bird in the dream is more powerful and can turn into a human.

The blue bird in this world may not have reached the power of that world, will it become more and more powerful in the future?Will he turn into a human to harm others?
"Sister, what are you thinking?" Little Pigtail approached her, "You look preoccupied and troubled."

"How big is the blue bird?" Little Taotie asked.

The little braid gestured: "That's all, it's not big."

The size of the little braid gesture is similar to the size of a starling, and it is indeed not big.

"Will it grow bigger after it flies away?" Little Taotie asked again.

"Why do you care so much about this bird? No, it's just that big, and it flies farther and farther, until it reaches the depths of the clouds that I can't see."

"Is that so..." Little Taotie was thoughtful.


At dawn, Little Taotie got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and ate a lot in the morning.

Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

The homeroom teacher called them yesterday and told them that they were afraid that the child would have nightmares or be in a bad mood. If there is any abnormality, you must tell the school. The school arranges a psychologist to ease emotions.

They felt that Xiao Taotie had a good appetite, so he should not have been affected by the driver's death yesterday.

On the way to school, the little Taotie leaned into Hua Jinyan's ear and told Hua Jinyan what the little pigtail said last night.

She felt that Hua Jinyan could take the first place in the test every time, but she could only take the second place, so she should be a little smarter than herself.

Discuss things with smart people, and you can definitely find a solution.

(End of this chapter)

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