Chapter 1246

Little Taotie suppressed his temper, clenched his fists tightly.

She turned to leave here.

When facing the flashing lights, she always tried to keep smiling and put on a cute look, but for the first time, she wanted to leave facing the flashing lights.

Quickly, quickly get out of here!

"Where are you going?" But Chen Yu behind her didn't let her go.

Chen Yu hasn't been stared at by so many cameras for a long time, this feeling is so good.

It made her even more want to catch the little Taotie, borrow the little Taotie's fame, and step on the little Taotie to climb up!

"Don't tell me, where do you want to go?"

Chen Yu was already a 12-year-old beating child, with long arms and long legs, he stretched out his hand to pinch the little Taotie's arm, and deliberately pressed his fingernails into the little girl's soft arm flesh.

Little Taotie felt the pain, subconsciously waved his hands away.

However, Chen Yu originally designed it on purpose, knowing that after pinching Xiao Taotie, the little Taotie would definitely let go, so she could use this opportunity to deliberately fall to the ground, and then frame the little Taotie.

But she underestimated the great strength of the little glutton.

Chen Yu felt thrown away by a huge force, and she backed up uncontrollably. She was dressed too maturely, a black tube top dress and a pair of pointed high heels.

The pointed high-heeled shoes couldn't stand at all, and the heel broke immediately. When the whole person fell to the ground, his knees were pressed against the hem of the skirt, pulled down, and the tube top slipped off...

All the flashing lights flicked on and off.

Just as Chen Yu intended, she did become the focus of the spotlight.

But at this moment, Chen Yu wanted to lie on the ground and get into the cracks in the ground.

She clutched her chest tightly, but it was too late.

Little Taotie took advantage of the chaos and ran away.

Chen Zi chased out from the backstage, caught up with the little Taotie, grabbed him before the little girl rushed straight into the women's toilet, and hugged the little girl up.

"Go, let's go home."

Little Taotie hid his small face in Chen Zi's arms, and said in a muffled voice, "I haven't accepted the award yet."

"It doesn't matter, what's yours is yours, and it's the same if you ask someone to take it for you."

"Brother Chen Zi, am I a white-eyed wolf?" The little girl's voice was soft, nasal, but suppressed.

"Grandpa is very good to me..." she said softly.

"Your grandfather is your grandfather, and that couple is that couple. They can't be discussed together. Besides, these things have passed two years. Zai Zai, aren't you happy now?"

"Now..." Little Taotie rubbed his small face against Chen Zi's embrace, feeling the warmth, "Happy, many people like me."

In the past, everyone in the village hated her, only grandpa liked her.

She has been trying to get more people to like her.

Now it seems that there is no need to work hard, and many people will like her.

She gradually forgot that being liked by others requires a lot of hard work.

Chen Zi patted the little girl's head comfortingly, his voice slowed down, trying to make his voice sound gentle: "It's not because of you that they go to jail, it's because they made a mistake, the country is punishing them, and they are suffering The punishment they deserve has nothing to do with you."

She understood the truth, but she was still depressed.

In the past two years, things that she had almost forgotten were once again brought up mercilessly by others. Being scolded like this made the little girl very sad.

"Zai Zai, you are not wrong. If you feel sorry for your grandpa's children and grandchildren because your grandpa treats you well, at most, you can help them in other places in the future."

"How can I help?" Little Taotie raised his head from his arms, his eyes were red, his nose was pink, his little milk's voice was soft, and his eyes were full of bewilderment.

(End of this chapter)

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