Chapter 1260
"Can you make cakes?"

Hua Jin said: "Yes."

Little Taotie looked forward to it, his big eyes twinkling: "Then...can you make strawberry cake?"


"Wow~" Little Taotie rushed forward and hugged Hua Jinyan, "It's a good thing you're here!"

Zhuge Xunming was ignored again.

This time there was no one blocking the way, but he didn't want to go.

He wants to see if this guy can make a good cake.

In fact, if they ask themselves, they can do it themselves.

Hua Jinyan slowly prepared the ingredients, milk, flour, and eggs.

Helen slapped her head: "That's right, we need to prepare eggs, we didn't put any eggs just now!"

Tom: "Little Taotie, is this the sixth guest? Do you know each other?"

Little Taotie nodded: "Yes."

Li Dahe moved closer to Hua Jinyan, "My name is Li Dahe, what's your name, how old are you?"

Hua Jin said, "Call me Hua, nine years old."

Li Dahe, 8 years old this year: "My second child's throne is gone!"

Tom: "I was born in January and I'm still the eldest."

At this time, Zhuge Xunming, who had been silent all this time, said, "I was also born in January."

Therefore, it is not certain who will get the position of the boss.

Tom frowned: "I'm on January 1rd."

Zhuge Xunming: "I am January 1st."

Helen snorted coldly: "It's a lie! It must be a lie!"

Tom also looked at Zhuge Xunming suspiciously.

Helen: "Take out your birth certificate, or passport, something that proves your identity. There must be a date of birth on it."

"Cut~" Zhuge Xunming was not willing to agree, because he was indeed lying.

Originally, he wanted to fool a boss position, but now that they are so hostile to him, even if he gets the boss position, it may be useless.

Zhuge Xunming turned around and left, returning to sleep on the sofa.

Helen snorted: "If I feel guilty, I will know that he is lying if I run away."

Hua Jinyan removes the egg yolk, breaks up the egg white, and beats the egg white into a creamy state with a whisk.

Tom: "We missed that step."

Li Dahe raised a thumbs up to Hua Jinyan: "Hua, you are really amazing!"

Helen whispered next to Xiao Taotie's ear: "Is this your childhood sweetheart? Is he chasing you to come to this show? Is he chasing you?"

Little Taotie looked dazed and ignorant.

"Hello!" A little boy appeared at the door of the kitchen.

With blue-green eyes and golden hair, the little boy looks handsome and cute in a sailor suit.

"Hi, friends, how are you! I am the seventh guest, my name is Wukong, I like Monkey King the most, nice to meet you." The little boy gave a wink.

Hua Jinyan frowned tightly.

He recognized this Wukong as the little neighbor next door to Grandma Hua's house.

Wukong is the Chinese name given to himself by the little boy. He is a mixed race from four countries, and his grandmother is Chinese.

Wukong rushed in front of little Taotie, his eyes sparkled, and he said excitedly: "My little angel, I finally see you!"

Wukong grinned: "You are the girlfriend of my dreams! When I grow up, can you be my girlfriend?"

He gushed: "Your eyes are so beautiful, like the deep sea and the night sky, mysterious and charming, it makes me fascinated! Your little dimple is so sweet, it seems to be filled with all the sweetness! You have a mysterious and powerful The power of you, the appearance of you punching through the boat is deeply etched in my mind..."

Hua Jinyan's blue veins on his forehead twitched, and he covered Wukong's mouth with his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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