Chapter 1262 Almost Forgot You
Little Taotie stared at the necklace in Helen's hand, and really wanted a similar style, where he could put a photo of himself and his brothers in it.

Hua Jinyan noticed that Little Taotie was unwilling to take his eyes off the necklace in Helen's hand, and asked, "Where did you buy this necklace?"

Helen giggled: "On my birthday, my family Hani gave it to me!"

Feng Qi jumped from Xiao Taotie's shoulder to Hua Jinyan's shoulder, and whispered in his ear, repeating what Helen and Xiao Taotie said.

Feng Qi kindly pointed out: "Little Taotie likes a pendant that can hold photos, it doesn't need to be exactly the same as Little Helen's, as long as it can hold photos, understand?"

Hua Jinyan nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

Hua Jinyan took out his mobile phone, and immediately wanted to place an order for a necklace that could hold photos.

When he took out his mobile phone and successfully opened the webpage, Helen exclaimed: "Why do you have a mobile phone, why can you surf the Internet!"

The eyes of the others looked over in unison.

Tom: "My phone was confiscated by the director."

Li Dahe: "I secretly hid a mobile phone, but it can't connect to the Internet at all."

Helen: "My tablet doesn't work either! Why can you?"

Wukong took out a mobile phone and blinked: "I can also surf the Internet."

Li Dahe hurriedly found out his hidden mobile phone, Helen took out his tablet computer, the two of them started to search the Internet, swiped and connected!

Li Dahai was stunned: "It's connected!"

Helen was extremely pleasantly surprised: "I'm connected too!"

Hearing the noise, Zhuge Xunming came to the door of the kitchen and learned that they were connected to the Internet. He also took out the mobile phone hidden on his body, "I am also connected."

"What's going on here?" Tom wondered: "Didn't the show crew say that there is no Internet on the island?"

The parents who were watching the live broadcast were also full of doubts. Helen's father asked the director directly: "Isn't there no signal tower on the island?"

Father Tom: "Why do they have mobile phones? Why did you confiscate my son's mobile phone? You have to give it back to my son!"

The director was helpless.

Tom was the first to arrive at the island, and everyone was busy at the time, so he, the director, went to check the suitcases himself. Who would have thought that the people who checked the suitcases behind were so negligent that the children managed to hide their mobile phones.

The director sighed: "Originally there was no signal tower and no network, but Xiaohua has money, so someone installed a temporary super signal device, which directly connects to the satellite."

Helen's father: "So rich!"

Father Tom looked around: "Are his parents here? I want to make friends!"

The director rolled his eyes: "Stop dreaming!"

How could such a boss-level parent come here in person!
All the surveillance videos here will be broadcast live on several other devices, and Hua Jinyan and Xiao Taotie's parents will watch the live broadcast at their own homes.

Hua Jinyan saw several necklaces made of pure gold, and several pure silver pendants, and clicked on them all for Xiao Taotie to choose.

"Which do you like?"

Little Taotie looked at the gold pendant, then at the silver pendant, and finally chose the relatively low-key silver pendant.

Little Taotie found a photo with his brothers, "I want to post this photo."

Hua Jinyan took a look, and found that there were Cheng Guodong, Qin Xin, Gu Yixing, and even Tao Shen and Tao Bin, but he was not there.

Hua Jin said: "Choose this one."

Hua Jinyan clicked a group photo with himself and recommended it to Little Taotie.

Little Taotie covered his mouth and giggled: "Okay! I almost forgot about you!"

(End of this chapter)

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