Chapter 1265 It Thundered and It Rained
Zhuge Xunming's parents were worried. His mother said, "Even if he makes good cakes, those children still don't welcome him and still isolate him."

Director: "It's your son who is glued to the sofa and doesn't want to fit in."

Zhuge Xunming's father: "Director, if my son is still isolated within two days, we will immediately quit the show and leave this island with our son!"

The director sighed: "I assign them some tasks that must be completed together. In the face of difficulties, the children will choose to be unanimous."


After eating and drinking enough, when the children began to choose a room, the doorbell of the villa's gate rang.

Wukong ran to open the door.

There was an old lady standing at the door, and the old lady was holding a little boy who looked like two or three years old.

"I'm Old Wang who lives next door. You can call me Grandma Wang. This is my grandson Xiao Wang."

Tom stepped forward and asked, "Grandma Wang, what can I do for you?"

Grandma Wang: "It's like this. My son had an accident. I'm going to the hospital right now, but I'm worried about my grandson being alone at home. I want to entrust him to you."

Tom quickly refused: "We are all children, how can we take good care of her! Grandma Wang, you should ask others to help."

Grandma Wang threw down a mission card and her little grandson, turned around and ran away.

Tom: "..."

Li Dahe picked up the task card: "This is the task given by the director. The seven of us are required to take care of the young Xiao Wang together."

Seeing that Grandma Wang had run away, Xiao Wang burst into tears immediately.

Helen frantically passed the tissues: "Little brother Wang, stop crying!"

As a result, this family that was not united in the first place had another cub -- two-year-old Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang loves to cry when nothing happens.

Helen has already changed her title from Xiaowang's younger brother to: "Crying bag!"

"Crying bag, can you stop crying? What do you want to stop crying? I have a headache from crying!"

No matter how Helen tried to persuade him, Xiao Wang just cried.

Little Taotie handed over an extra piece of shell cake that he ate at noon: "Are you hungry? Eat the cake."

Xiao Wang turned his back and continued to cry.

Little Taotie silently withdrew his hand, put it to his mouth, and ate quietly like a little hamster.

Xiao Wang wanted to be persuaded by someone, but he didn't hear the man tell him to eat it for a long time. When he turned around, he saw that the man ate it by himself!Almost finished!
Now Xiao Wang felt even more uncomfortable, opened his voice, and cried even louder!
Zhuge Xunming, who had fallen asleep vaguely, was awakened: "Thunder? Is it raining?"

When he came back to his senses, he found that there was one more person in the living room, and that was the source of the "thunder" that woke him up.

"What's going on? Who is he?" Zhuge Xunming glared at this "Lei Zhenzi".

Wukong answered him kindly: "It's the task of the program team, we have to take care of him until Grandma Wang comes to pick him up."

Zhuge Xunming: "Did you say when you will come to pick me up?"

Goku shook his head.

Zhuge Xunming was cold and heartless: "If you are crying, I will throw you out!"

Xiao Wang looked at him, ignored him, and continued to cry, as if he was declaring war, with a louder voice.

Small body, with a strong lung capacity.

Zhuge Xunming was finally willing to leave the sofa, he stood up from the sofa, approached step by step, taking advantage of his age and height, he lifted Xiao Wang up.

Xiao Wang kicked his feet in the air, "Let me go!"

Zhuge Xunming opened the door, threw the person out of the door, and closed the door forcefully with a "boom".

The world is clean.

(End of this chapter)

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