Chapter 127 After all, blood is thicker than water

"I didn't lie to you, and I don't need to lie to you."

Tao Mo mechanically turned his head to look at Cheng Guodong, facing Cheng Guodong's extremely serious and serious face.


Tao Mo couldn't find his own voice for a long time, and didn't know what to say.When he is old, his ability to bear is too low, and he needs to take a break.

Tao Ti's head suddenly drooped, and she asked feebly, "You're leaving? Can't you spend more time with me?"

"Although many people like me now, I don't want to lose my grandfather's likes."

"Grandpa, don't go, okay?"

Her voice was choked with sobs, and she tried to grab it with her little hand, but her hand passed through Grandpa's body without grabbing anything.

When Miss Wraith Ling left, she was still happy for Miss Wraith Ling, thinking that Miss Wraith Ling had finally let go and could go to reincarnation.

But now that grandpa is leaving, she doesn't want him to leave.

The old man stroked her head lightly, even though it was just an illusory touch, but Tao Ti felt particularly warm. She raised her head and said softly, "I don't want you to go."

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are the rules. In fact, I have reached my age, but I have been worrying about you and holding on. Now that someone loves you and takes care of you for me, I can rest assured."

"I don't want you to go." Tao Ti seemed to be the only one to say this, tears streaming down her eyes.

"You are not my own granddaughter. I have been keeping this matter from you, but I love you from the bottom of my heart. Now my time is coming, and it is time for me to tell you this secret."

Tao Ti's eyes widened in disbelief, she even forgot to cry, and was sluggish.

"I know it's hard for you to accept this matter. Our family is sorry for you. Although it's cheeky to say this, they are my grandchildren after all. If... I mean, if they can't survive, help me How about a bunch of them?"

Back then, when the daughter-in-law brought Tao Ti back to her home, she named her a Ti, in the hope that she would send a child. For the lucky ones, not long after arriving, the child that the daughter-in-law was looking forward to came, and they were both sons and daughters. For example, this name has both female and male names.

He has mixed feelings about his grandchildren. After all, these two children are not close to him, but after all, blood is thicker than water, and he can't let it go.

He knew it would be difficult for Tao Ti to do this, and Tao Ti had no such obligation, but...he couldn't find anyone else who could help.

Although he was unconscious, he still had a little consciousness. When his son and daughter-in-law came to see him in the ward, they were taken away by the police in the ward, and they never appeared again.

He knew that they must be in prison, and that no one would take care of the pair of twins, and he didn't know how they lived these days.

The soul body of the old man shed tears and was full of sorrow.

Tao Ti recovered from her sluggishness, and was silent for a long, long time, remembering her younger siblings who always scolded her as a bastard, she lowered her eyes and said in a muffled voice: "Grandpa, I understand."

"Just don't let them starve to death. If...they still treat you as before, so ignorant, you don't have to force yourself, don't worry about them."

"I know."

"My time is up."

Tao Ti raised her eyes and saw her grandfather's body gradually turning into particles of light, flying towards the sky.

She stared blankly, the tears in her eyes fell uncontrollably, like pearls with broken strings, falling in big ones.

She pursed her lips for a long time, and murmured in a low voice: "Did grandpa go to heaven? There will be a better life. I can't be sad. I have to be happy for grandpa. He has been taking care of me. He is very tired. I You shouldn't force him to stay..."

Tao Mo walked gently behind the little granddaughter, and when he heard the sensible murmur of the little granddaughter, his heart softened. He gently wiped her tears, and said lovingly, "You still have me, don't cry, good granddaughter."

(End of this chapter)

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