Chapter 1272 Helen is sick

Wukong grinned: "Same crime is same crime! We are brothers and sisters, we live and die together!"

Helen laughed, seeing that stupid hair on Wukong's head stood up again, she stretched out her hand to press it down, "Why is your hair standing up again?"

Wukong's face collapsed, and he sighed: "My mother cut my hair, it's broken here, and it always sticks up by itself, and I can't help it."

Helen's eyes lit up: "Then I'll cut it for you. If you cut it shorter, it won't stand up!"

Wukong kept his head and ran around: "No, no, stay away from me!"

Helen ran after her with a pair of scissors.

Tom raised his forehead: "Helen, it's dangerous for you to do this, put down the scissors!"

Helen ran after Wukong, laughing loudly: "I want to cut Wukong's hair—hmm!" Helen paused, the scissors fell to the ground, and covered her heart with her small hands.

"Helen, what's wrong with you?" Tom rushed to help her.

Wukong stopped running and turned back to help people.

Little Taotie, Hua Jinyan, and Li Dahe all ran over, and even the lazy Zhuge Xunming rushed over in a hurry.

Helen sat on the ground panting, rubbed her heart, took out a medicine and swallowed it, her lips turned pale, "It's okay, it's an old problem, you'll be fine after taking the medicine."


Director: "Is she... really okay?"

Helen's mother stared at her daughter in the camera with distress, and sighed softly: "Helen said that she would rather live a few years less and live like a normal person than to live carefully."

Helen's father put his arms around his wife and nodded: "It's okay, I'll be fine after taking the medicine."

The director pursed his lips: "Should I let the doctor see it?"

Because the guests are all children, the program team has doctors.

Helen's father shook his head: "Helen doesn't want to be specialized, nor does she want to be sympathized with."

The director nodded with a complicated expression.


Zhuge Xunming frowned and looked at Helen whose complexion returned to blood and the color of her lips gradually recovered, "Do you have a heart disease?"

Helen clenched her sleeves nervously, and immediately shook her head: "Not at all!"

Zhuge Xunming didn't give up, and asked: "Then what kind of medicine did you take just now?"

Helen rolled her eyes and lowered her eyes: "The medicine for acute gastroenteritis, just now I ate raw salmon, and suddenly my stomach hurts."

Zhuge Xunming's mouth twitched: "Am I blind? I clearly saw you covering your heart."

Helen covered her stomach and shook her head: "You're wrong, I'm covering my stomach, it's just a little close to my heart."

Zhuge Xunming wanted to say something, but Bi Tom pulled it quietly.

Zhuge Xunming pursed his lips and didn't ask any more questions.

Helen came to Xiao Taotie's side and hugged Xiao Taotie's arm, "Little Taotie also takes medicine, vitamins and calcium supplements, and I am similar to Xiao Taotie. I also take some nutritional supplements, it doesn't mean we have sick."

Little Taotie blinked, looked at Helen, and then at Zhuge Xunming with a dignified expression.

She felt that Helen was lying, but she didn't want to expose Helen.

Zhuge Xunming turned his gaze away and stopped looking at Helen.

Helen quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

She has heart disease, a very serious congenital heart disease. The doctor said that if there is no matching heart before the age of 20, her heart will fail and she will die.

Her parents did not hide from her, they told her clearly about her condition, and let her make her own choice, whether to live like a normal person, or to be protected in a glass room like a flower in a greenhouse, unable to run or not Jump.

Helen didn't want to live like a delicate flower, she wanted to live like a tough grass.

You can be exposed to the rain, you can be stepped on, you can be hit by strong winds and thunder, and you can welcome everything in this world freely. Thunder, rain and dew are all gifts from the world.

(End of this chapter)

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