Chapter 1274 The Refrigerator Is Empty

Little Taotie held Helen down, and the two squatted down together. Little Taotie whispered next to her ear, "Shh, someone sneaked in!"

Helen nervously grabbed the corner of Little Taotie's clothes.

"Don't be afraid, he's gone to the kitchen."

Little Taotie clearly saw the man sneak into the kitchen, and then took a familiar bag.

It was the bag that Zhuge Xunming "took" back, and there were some hamburgers and some sushi in it, and Zhuge Xunming put it in the refrigerator.

In fact, with so many things, if you heat them up tomorrow, seven people can eat them for a day.

Now it was stolen by a thief in the night!
Little Taotie was afraid that Helen would be scared if he chased him out, so he didn't chase him.

"Has anyone left?" Helen asked softly.

Little Taotie nodded: "Let's go, stole the food in the refrigerator."

"Huh? Then we have nothing to eat tomorrow!"

Little Taotie: "It must have been sent by the director. If we want to eat, we must complete the task he arranged."

Helen lowered her voice: "We ate their dinner, they will definitely make it harder for us tomorrow, and the task will definitely be particularly difficult."

Little Taotie thought for a while, and comforted: "We are all children, they won't really starve us."

Helen asked softly, "Do you want to tell them?"

"Are you all asleep?" Little Taotie hesitated.

At this moment, footsteps were heard, and someone came downstairs.

Little Taotie and Helen raised their heads and saw Wukong who was illuminated by the flashlight of his mobile phone. The stupid hair on the top of Wukong's head stood on end. He rubbed his eyes in a daze, "Huh? Is there anyone?"

Little Taotie said, "It's me and Helen."

"My angel!" Wukong's eyes lit up immediately, and he was completely relieved of sleepiness.

The corner of Xiao Taotie's mouth twitched: "Don't call me that, I'm sorry."

Helen covered her mouth and laughed: "Be careful if Hua hears and beats you!"

Wukong looked back vigilantly, seeing no one, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Take it easy, I'm afraid he will suddenly appear behind me."

Helen laughed out loud, "Coward!"

Little Taotie also laughed.

Wukong pressed down the bristling hair on the top of his head, and asked suspiciously: "Why don't you sleep, what are you doing squatting in the corridor?"

Little Taotie pointed to the window: "The window is not closed."

Wukong took a picture with the flashlight of his mobile phone, "I'll go to close it."

Helen sighed: "It's too late now."

Wukong was puzzled and looked at her suspiciously.

Helen pointed to the window, and then pointed to the direction of the kitchen.

"Just now a thief came in through the window, slipped into the kitchen, and stole everything in the refrigerator."

Wukong was stunned: "The people from the program team stole it?"

Helen snorted: "Aside from them, who else could it be?"

Wukong yelled: "Shameless!"

Helen was taken aback by his broken voice, "What's your name? You're going to blow my ears off!"

He yelled and blasted everyone out.

Tom came out with a tired look on his face.

Li Dahe ran out angrily: "Who is making noise?"

Hua Jinyan walked out with a cold face.

Zhuge Xunming came out with a dark face, and pointed the middle finger at Wukong: "Are you sick? What do you call it if you don't sleep in the middle of the night!"

Wukong was angrier than them, and his face was more smelly than them, "Why sleep, I'm going to starve to death tomorrow, can I still sleep? Everything has been stolen! There is no food in the kitchen!"

As soon as the words fell, the thunder that had not been struck outside had been dull all the time. At this moment, there was a sudden explosion, a thunder!
Helen covered her heart, she was so frightened that her face turned pale.

Little Taotie supported her, and asked worriedly, "Are you all right?"

Helen smiled weakly: "It's just that I was frightened by the thunder, it's okay."

Little Taotie was still very worried: "Let's go back to the room and rest first."

(End of this chapter)

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