Chapter 1277

When we arrived at the convenience store, there were quite a few types of currency that could be used on this island, but it was a pity that the seven little ones searched all over their pockets, but there was no half a dime.

Zhuge Xunming asked the counter: "Can I swipe my phone?"

The waiter shook his head: "You can swipe your card."

Zhuge Xunming discussed and said: "I will add you as a friend by W letter, and then transfer the money to you, and you give me the cash."

The waiter shook his head: "This will not work."

Zhuge Xunming thought for a while, and discussed: "I'll give you 20%, the benefit fee?"

The waiter sighed: "I'm sorry, don't stand here and hinder the customers behind to check out, I'm working now, we can't do this kind of transaction. Please let me go, thank you."

"Don't stand here, get out of the way!"

"Yeah, don't get in the way of our checkout!"

"Get out of the way!"

Zhuge Xunming had no choice but to leave the counter and walk out of the convenience store dejectedly.

Zhuge Xunming sighed: "Don't give me money."

Li Dahe had a bitter face: "I brought a lot of money and sewed it into the doll's belly, but the staff took it away."

Helen took off her favorite hairpin and asked, "Is there a place to sell things here?"

Li Dahe rolled his eyes: "You mean it's like a pawn shop?"

Helen nodded: "Yes!"

Helen touched the flashing diamond on the hair clip, "This one should sell for a lot of money, the diamonds on it are all real."

Li Dahe took off his watch: "How can I get you to sell hair clips, sell my watch, it should be quite valuable."

Tom took out a whistle, "It's pure gold, it should be worth something."

Li Dahe: "Maybe we can ask passers-by, maybe they know where there is a pawn shop."

They inquired from an older man that there was an old shop in the central area of ​​the island.

The name of the shop is Xiao Yang's Antique Store.

You can exchange some things for money, but whether it is worth it or not depends on the mood of the boss.

Sometimes for the same item, if the boss is in a bad mood that day, he will lower the price; if the boss is in a good mood, he will charge a higher price than the original price.

According to the route map given by the old man, the seven cubs are going to go there on foot.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Helen panted, "I need to take a break."

Her face turned pale.

Little Taotie supported Helen, and found a public bench to sit down and rest.

Everyone didn't dare to go anymore. Although Helen insisted that she didn't have a heart attack, after several observations, everyone guessed that Helen's heart might not be very good, so they shouldn't be too tired.

Tom suggested getting a car.

There are no taxis that can be easily hired on this small island. If you want to take a taxi, you have to stop on the road to see if you can meet a fellow traveler and give you a ride.

The cubs stood on the side of the road to stop the car, Tom waved his hands vigorously, Li Dahe yelled, Wukong waved his golden cudgel, Hua Jinyan was colder, just stretched out a hand to stop Zhuge Xunming picked a wicker from nowhere, he held up a wicker and let the wicker float back and forth in the wind...

Little Taotie sat on the bench and accompanied Helen.

As time passed, the boys still hadn't stopped a car that would give them a ride.

Li Dahe's stomach made a "gurgling" sound, and he clutched his belly: "Let's find something to eat first? It's already ten o'clock, and I'm about to starve to death."

In fact, everyone was hungry. The boys were woken up by Wukong in the middle of the night yesterday, and then kept vigil. They haven't eaten anything until now.

Tom was helpless, spreading his hands: "No money."

This is one of the reasons why I haven't taken a car so far.

In fact, a few times, a car stopped, but the other party wanted to collect money, and they had no money, so they had to forget it.

Li Dahe sighed: "Aren't there any good-hearted people? We are all children, can't you pity us?"

Zhuge Xunming: "I suspect that the program group broadcasted the broadcast on the island, telling them not to pity us just because we are young."

Li Dahe: "There is a possibility."

Helen had almost rested, and stood up, "Let's go over there, I'm fine, I can go."

Tom shook his head in disapproval: "It may take an hour to walk."

Helen straightened her back: "I can do it! It's only an hour, no problem!"

Seeing that Helen insisted on leaving, Zhuge Xunming seemed to be unable to persuade anyone. He sat down on the bench and covered his stomach, "I'm about to faint from hunger. I may have hypoglycemia. I can't walk..."

(End of this chapter)

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