Little Taotie did not expect to receive such an opportunity to earn extra money when he came out to shoot a show, earning 600 million so quickly.

Holding the check, Xiao Taotie's sweet little dimple sank deeply, as happy as she wanted, Hua Jinyan couldn't help laughing along with her.

Boss Xiao Yang also believed it, Xiao Taotie was indeed a real person and not just a lie.

Yu Lingyue's phone rang, as if something urgent had happened, she left in a hurry.

Nie Qing: "What about filming the show?"

Little Taotie nodded: "The little ghost is in charge."

"Why don't you see the cameraman following you?"

"This show is not filmed outside. It mainly shoots us at home or completing tasks. It is not a live broadcast, so there is a certain degree of freedom."

"That's good, things here won't be photographed."

Little Taotie nodded cheerfully.

Nie Qing smiled and said, "Are you so happy when you make money?"

Xiao Taotie took the check carefully, "Of course I'm happy. I only get 500 million M gold for participating in this show, and I have to participate in 7 days. Now I just eat a little bit of bad luck and resentment, and I can earn more, or by the way How good it is to earn!"

Nie Qing smiled and said, "In this business, money comes in quickly, but money is also spent quickly."

Whether it is a talisman or a magic weapon, it is a big expense.

Nie Qing looked at Boss Xiao Yang: "I haven't been to your store for a long time, and I've come all the time. Show me some good things?"

Boss Xiao Yang closed the store outside.

He didn't introduce anything in the glass cabinet in the lobby, but invited them to the second floor.

It turned out that the second floor also belonged to Xiao Yang's antique shop.

Open an old wooden door, there is a hole in the wooden door, the things placed are not only beautiful in appearance, but also have various uses.

"This compass is not bad, but there are too many gems, and it's gaudy, suitable for girls." Nie Qing picked up a compass and looked at it.

"The slow consumption of gems depends on these gems."

Nie Qing shook her head: "It's too fancy, it's not my style."

Boss Xiao Yang: "Let's look at other things."

Nie Qing nodded.

Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan followed Nie Qing hand in hand, also looking at these things.

Little Taotie saw a slingshot, a slingshot made of cowhide and wooden branches, but the wood was full of runes, which looked fun and powerful.

Little Taotie asked curiously, "What's the use of this?"

Boss Xiao Yang smiled: "The things you type can hit A Piao."

"It doesn't seem to be of any use to me." Little Taotie thought this thing was very interesting, but felt that it was useless, so he gave up continuing to study and looked at another thing.

It was a cup, an ordinary cup.

"What's the use of this cup?"

Boss Xiao Yang said with a smile: "It's not very useful, but it can pretend to be some Ah Piao."

"Some? How much?"

"Well... I don't know, so far, there are at most four Apiao, but after the owner of this object died, Apiao was also released."

"Why pretend to be A Piao? Can't A Piao be reincarnated?"

"Some apiao died unexpectedly, or committed suicide, or were killed by lowering their heads. It is not time to reincarnate, and they have to spend time wandering in this world. If they are swallowed by the powerful ghost king during this period, they will die for nothing. Therefore, it is a mutually beneficial thing to seek refuge with some powerful people from the Taoist sect, and correspondingly help the people from the Taoist sect to do something."

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