Originally, Little Taotie and Nie Qing were about to say goodbye at the door, but now they have the same destination.

The little Taotie took Nie Qing's big hand and said to him happily: "Brother Nie, donkey meat pancakes are delicious, the outside of the pancakes are crispy and crispy, and the donkey meat inside is delicious and fresh. There is dragon meat, and there is donkey meat on the ground! This is the top delicacy comparable to dragon meat! You will definitely like it!"

Nie Qing was amused by the little girl, "Is it so delicious?"

Little Taotie nodded vigorously, very seriously: "It smells so good, it's delicious!"

Nie Qing tapped the little girl's round cheeks lightly, and they sunk in just a little bit, fleshy and soft.

Nie Qing smiled softly and asked, "How much did you eat?"

Little Taotie raised his head proudly: "10!"

Nie Qing was surprised: "So powerful?"

Little Taotie nodded vigorously: "I can eat more, but I restrain myself!"

Nie Qing glanced at Boss Xiao Yang at the side, raised his eyebrows, "Let's go, have another meal, and it will be on your brother Yang's account!"

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, and he quietly glanced at Boss Xiao Yang.

Boss Xiao Yang touched his nose and felt that the check in his pocket was hot, "All right, put it in my account."

Nie Qing leaned into Xiao Taotie's ear: "Eat freely, eat more, eat poor him."

Little Taotie covered his mouth and secretly smiled.

She also wants to eat a lot, but she has already eaten the capsules made of evil spirit chocolate, so she is not that hungry.

At most... 10 more?
Maybe 20 more?
Little Taotie rubbed his belly, not sure how much more he could eat.

When they arrived at the Donkey Meat Biscuit Shop, Helen and the others had already finished eating, ordered drinks and drank, waiting for Little Taotie and Hua Jinyan.

Tom, with sharp eyes, was the first to see them.

"They're back!"

Helen turned her head to look and said with a smile, "Little Taotie, you are finally back!"

Little Taotie bounced to Helen's side and introduced Brother Nie Qing to her.

Nie Qing is a gentle big brother, as if by magic, there are seven extra candies in his hand, transparent and colorful candy paper, and fruit candies of different flavors.

Each cub gets a candy.

Little Taotie got a pink strawberry-flavored candy.

Hua Jinyan got a white lychee taste, and handed it over to Little Taotie.

The little glutton was happy and got two fruit candies.

Boss Xiao Yang admired Nie Qing for getting along with the children so quickly.

Nie Qing smiled and said: "Today's account is all recorded in Xiao Yang's account!"

The proprietress looked at Boss Xiao Yang: "Really?"

Having been doing business with the opposite door for so long, the proprietress knows this little Yang very well, so she is a bit stingy.

I remember last summer, when Xiao Yang went on a blind date, he even invited the girl's family to meet at the Donkey Meat Biscuit Shop. The most stingy thing was that it was AA in the end!

What is the wind blowing today?

Xiao Yang became generous!

Xiao Yang nodded: "It will be recorded in my account."

Nie Qing smelled the aroma of donkey broth, "This is really nourishing!"

The proprietress boasted to herself: "That's right, I've been through a lot of time."

Nie Qing patted Little Taotie's head, and asked softly, "How many pancakes do you want?"

Little Taotie checked his fingers: "Five first, shall we?"

Nie Qing: "You don't need to save money for your little brother Yang."

With a wave of Nie Qing's hand, the proprietress ordered 50 biscuits.

Helen and the others couldn't take it anymore, so they waved their hands repeatedly.

Boss Xiao Yang's face darkened: "Can you eat it?"

Nie Qing smiled: "If I can't eat, I will pack it!"

Boss Xiao Yang reached for donkey meat pancakes, but Nie Qing opened his hand: "This is ours, if you want to eat it, order another one."

Boss Xiao Yang's mouth twitched: "Okay, you are ruthless."

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