Helen hid in the corner and snickered, Zhuge Xunming stood behind her at some point, afraid that he would scare her by making a sound, so he just stared at her, wondering what she was snickering about, it was... a bit weird !
Zhuge Xunming followed Helen's gaze and saw Little Taotie and Hua, their atmosphere was... a bit strange!
The big boy really didn't understand what the "strangeness" was, but he also knew that this strange atmosphere couldn't be integrated into the third person, so when Wukong wanted to go over, he grabbed Wukong by the back collar, "Don't go there."

Wukong snorted, "Why?"

Zhuge Xunming: "Add chaos."

Why did I make a mess!Wukong is even more angry!

He watched Xiao Taotie and Hua talking and laughing, his angel would feed Hua a strawberry from time to time, and he wanted the angel to feed strawberries too!

"I won't disturb Hua's cake making." Wukong reached out to push Zhuge Xunming's hand away.

Zhuge Xunming did not let go.

Zhuge Xunming instinctively felt that if Wukong passed, Hua would not be in the mood to make cakes.

In order to satisfy his stomach's welfare, he will not let go.

Helen pulled out her mind from the candy she was eating, looked back to see Zhuge Xunming and Wukong, and learned that Wukong was going to destroy those pink bubbles, so she reached out and grabbed Wukong. people blocked.

Wukong: "..." So angry! ! !

Wukong was so angry that the hair on the top of Wukong's head stood up again.

Helen's eyes lit up, she stared at the maverick golden hair, and smiled: "Wukong, I'll help you cut your hair~~~"

Wukong shook his head frantically: "No, no need! I won't bother them anymore, let me go!"

He will never let unprofessional people cut his hair again.

At that time, her mother was also like this, and said to him with a smile: "Wukong, mom will help you cut your hair~~~"

Then he nodded innocently.

Then the hair was cut badly, and this golden hair always stands on end!
Zhuge Xunming saw that he really didn't want to disturb Hua, he just wanted to run for his life, so he let go, once Zhuge Xunming let go, how could Helen stop him, Wukong ran out of the kitchen, not daring to approach Helen again The place.

Helen covered her mouth and snickered: "Wukong is a coward, I just said it casually, but he was so scared, hehehe..."

Zhuge Xunming also hooked his lips.

Helen seemed to think of something suddenly, fixed her eyes on Zhuge Xunming, making Zhuge Xunming uncomfortable.

Zhuge Xunming started: "What are you looking at!"

Helen: "You seem to have forgotten one thing."

Zhuge Xunming lowered his eyes and remained silent.

Helen snorted, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Zhuge Xunming coughed dryly.

When the seven of them went out early in the morning, Zhuge Xunming saw Grandma Wang next door. She was really on a whim and felt guilty, thinking of apologizing when she came back.

Later, the journey to Xiao Yang’s antique shop was difficult, and it was already afternoon when he came back. He was very tired. This matter was thrown out of the sky.

Unexpectedly, it was almost dinner time, but Helen brought up this matter.

Zhuge Xunming looked at the setting sun outside the window. The setting sun was setting in the west, and the sky was full of rays, dyeing the sky orange red.

"It's getting late, I'll go tomorrow."

Hearing this, Helen folded her arms around her chest and squinted at him, "Tomorrow will be tomorrow, I don't believe you, a slacker!"

Zhuge Xunming's complexion was also not very good, but he wanted Helen to be sick, so he suppressed his temper forcefully, and said in a muffled voice, "Do you have to go now?"

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