Suddenly people came out from every corner, one of them was well hidden before, some hid behind trees, some pretended to be passers-by, some pretended to be sweepers...

At this moment, the seven cubs were surrounded.

It turns out that this place is so empty, even if you get rid of those with malicious intentions, there is no real passerby.

The main reason is that the seven cubs got up early, and many people hadn't woken up yet. In addition, the director was afraid that someone who was not good-looking would find the villa, so he chose a relatively remote place, as far away from the bustling area as possible to the central area.

But the director never thought that the more remote the place, the more accident-prone it would be.

Seeing being surrounded, Little Taotie was actually not panicked at all.

She has great strength and is good at martial arts, so she relies on her own strength!
The little girl was full of confidence, and stood in front of Helen: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

She thought she must look cool now, just like Superman in tights.

The driver got out of the car and lit a cigarette: "Little Taotie, if we were not absolutely sure, how could we have come here? I know you have great strength, but what's the use of dead strength?"

"What do you mean?" Little Taotie's heart skipped a beat.

The driver looked at a man among them. The man was wearing a yellow tights and looked like a kung fu superstar.

The man pulled out his nunchucks and said with a smile, "Is the barbarian strong enough? But he was still put on the table! Qiaojin, real kung fu, is invincible!"

He swung the nunchuck in his hand and hit the little Taotie on the shoulder.

It was too fast, the little Taotie had no time to dodge!

Little Taotie was in pain, but he still insisted on standing in front of Helen. If she stepped aside, Helen would be injured.

Hua Jinyan wanted to help Xiao Taotie, but there was a man on the other side who was entangled with him, and his martial arts were no less than that of the nunchuck man.

Hua Jin said that he was too busy to take care of himself, and he was exhausted.

The nunchuck man that Little Taotie was going to deal with was very cunning, and he deliberately hit Helen several times.

Little Taotie could dodge it deftly, but in order not to hurt Helen, he had no choice but to hold tight and let the nunchuck hit him.

Little Taotie has always felt that she is a rough-skinned and thick-skinned child, and her mother in the mountains always beats her to death, with rolling pins, brooms, spatulas... It seems that when her temper comes, she can be beaten with whatever is at hand .

The old people in the village always said that Xiao Taotie was a hard-fated girl, if it were a little girl from another family, if she was beaten like this, she might have been beaten to death long ago.

Little Taotie also thinks so, although it hurts, but she can bear it, and sometimes she can insist on not crying, she thinks she is very good.

But hurts!
Every time the stick hits the shoulder, it hurts so much.

She didn't know if the nunchuck man hit the joints on purpose, or the pain points, numb tendons, etc. This was the key reason for the pain.

Little Taotie's breathing became rapid. She punched so many punches that she couldn't count them, but none of them hit anyone. The nunchuck man was too fast, and the figure was like a nunchuck in his hand. , can always dodge the attack, and can't hit at all!

Little Taotie became more and more angry, and his shoulder hurt more and more.

As a result, he fell into a disadvantage and was severely suppressed, with no room for retaliation at all.

Just when a stick was about to hit the little Taotie on the head, Helen stretched out her hand and pushed the little Taotie away, and used her slender arms to withstand the blow.

Little Taotie heard the sound of bones breaking.

Helen's face turned pale from the pain, and she clutched her arms tightly, sweat dripping from her forehead.

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