As time went by, more and more Ah Piao gathered in the villa, and the Yin Qi gathered to the point of overload. Even if the people present didn't see those things on weekdays, they also vaguely saw things they shouldn't see... …

When the two dimensions overlap out of control, the ghostly face of Sen Han appears in front of everyone...

Screaming can no longer express the emotions at this moment, it is more of a silent scream, and the whole person is in a trance.

The director and the assistant director shivered and hugged each other, as if to keep each other warm.

Director: "You...the place you were looking for! Are you sure there are no unjust cases here!"

Assistant director: "I found out that this is a new house. The owner has never lived in it since it was built, and no one has died here!"

Director: "Then how do you explain what we see now?"

Assistant Director: "Maybe... maybe someone is playing a prank, these are projections, there are no such things in this world!"

Director: "Who would be so boring?"

The assistant director gave the director a weird look, "Director, tell me the truth and tell me the truth, did you arrange it?"

Director: "Idiot! I'm almost scared to pee! Are you blind!"

Because of the overload of yin energy and the superimposition of negative emotions, the emotions of the people in this villa have also been suppressed to the extreme, and people with good tempers have become gloomy and irritable...

The director and the assistant director were talking, the two people who were hugging each other for warmth one moment, actually started fighting the next moment.

The assistant director punched him: "I've had enough of you, you're the idiot, and your whole family are idiots!"

Director: "You have gone against the sky!"

The two fought more and more fiercely. Some staff members stepped forward to fight, but in the end they joined in and turned into a brawl.

Staff: "Director, assistant director, stop fighting!"

Director: "Pull that idiot away! Are you an idiot? What are you doing holding me? I was attacked by him and punched. It's all your fault!" He punched the staff.

The assistant director laughed maniacally: "Yes! Hold him! Let me punch him a few times! Usually he calls us around, but today we will fight for a turnaround, so hurry up and hold him!"

The staff was angry: "I'm just a brawler, what do you do to hit me! I've had enough of you, director, don't blame me!"

Director: "Deduct the money, I will deduct your money!"

The staff turned into fools: "Assistant director, don't blame me!"

Assistant director: "Damn it! The accountant is my relative, I told him not to pay your salary!"

Staff: "Director, I'm sorry!"

Director: "I fire the finance!"

Finance ran over and got involved in the fight: "What did I do wrong!"

"Don't fight, don't fight, we are all colleagues." The art team leader came over to fight.

The assistant director punched him: "I want you to be this peacemaker? I don't like you a long time ago. You flatter the director all day long. Do you want to grab my assistant director's seat? Let me tell you, I beat you today It's you!"

The leader of the art team was punched several times for no reason, jumped up, and got angry, "Okay, heads-up, let go of the director!"

Finance: "Cousin, don't be fooled, this guy is using aggressive methods!"

Assistant editor: "I know! Beat the director, beat him to death!"

The leader of the art group: "Director, stand behind me, whoever dares to hit the director, step on me! Ah—who! Who pushed me down! Ah——Who! Who stepped on me!"

Surrounded by several staff members of the prop group: "It's us!"

"I've wanted to beat up the director for a long time. We have been making props day and night, but he is good enough to deny our hard work for days and nights with one sentence! Beat him to death!"

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