The wavy woman is playing with a short dagger in her hand.


The big wave woman stood up and slowly stood in front of Zhuge Xunming's mother, the short dagger in her hand suddenly touched Zhuge Xunming's mother's throat.

Zhuge Xunming's mother's voice stopped abruptly.

The big wave woman laughed: "Barking, keep barking! I like to hear dogs bark."

Zhuge Xunming's mother withdrew her glaring eyes, and the ferocity on her face turned into a kind of fear.

Zhuge Xunming's father got up with a "huh" with pleading eyes.

"You are a good man. Although I had a fight with your husband and wife just now, I still want to plead with you. You really don't know your blessings."

The big wave woman withdrew the dagger in her hand, "I will not kill you, if I become my son's enemy who kills his father and mother, it will affect the relationship between me and his mother and son."

Just when the husband and wife breathed a sigh of relief, the big wave woman laughed playfully: "I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish. Whether you can survive or not depends on God's will."

The flower-armed man tied the two of them together and made a gesture to take them to the beach and throw them into the sea.

Zhuge Xunming has been very silent. His parents cursed and beat each other. He didn't speak to stop them, let alone step forward to fight. At this moment, his parents were about to be thrown into the sea. not related.

Li Dahe stretched out his hand and pushed Zhuge Xunming: "You really don't care?"

Tom: "Something happened to them. It's too late for you to regret it."

Helen pulled Li Dahe and Tom away: "What does it have to do with you, Zhuge Xunming has his own plan!"

Tom: "But... After all, it's his parents, and something is going to happen, and he just looks at it like this..."

Li Dahe: "Isn't this too cold-blooded?"

Tom nodded: "Yeah, it's too cold-blooded."

Tom's mother pulled her son to her side and shook her head at him: "This is someone else's family. As a friend, you can't point fingers."

Li Dahe's father pulled Li Dahe to his side, with a serious face: "How do I teach you usually? Don't persuade others to be kind if you don't suffer from others. If you suffer from others, you may not be kind to others!"

Li Dahe pouted, a little unhappy: "I persuaded him as a friend, otherwise I wouldn't mind my own business!"

Li Dahe's mother looked gentle and gentle, but she said the cruelest words: "When I go home this time, your father and I want a world of two people. You can go to your grandmother's house and don't come back to disturb us. From now on, we will be alone." Your grandmother raised you and educated you."

"No! I don't want it!"

Grandmother is a stubborn old man who doesn't even let him eat sugar, and asks him to get up every day to exercise Taijiquan and offer incense and kowtow to his ancestors. Every day he has to do 108 kowtows, and his head will be broken!
"Objection is invalid." Li Dahe's mother said lightly.

"You can't do this to me! Dad, mom bullied me!" Li Dahe hugged his dad's leg and sued his mom on the spot.

"Hehe." Li Dahe's father ruthlessly pushed him away and put his arms around his wife's waist, "I stand by my wife's side unconditionally."

Li Dahe sat on the ground, and Sapo cried: "Am I not your own? You abused me like this! I don't respect you when I grow up, and I will send you to a nursing home when you are old!"

Li Dahe's father said in a faint voice, "You are already blaming us for just asking you to move to your grandmother's place. Have you ever thought that Zhuge Xunming was thrown at his grandmother's place since he was a child?"

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