Chapter 132 Goodbye Relic

Tao Shen knelt down, stretched out his hand in front of little Taotie, smiled softly, and asked, "Beautiful little princess, let brother help you put your little pet in the fish tank, okay?"

Tao Ti still remembered the brother who invited him to eat roast duck, so he nodded, "Thank you, Brother Shen!"

Tao Shen beamed and smiled: "It turns out that little Taotie hasn't forgotten me!"

Tao Ti blushed and nodded shyly while hugging the little bear, "Brother, next time I will treat you to roast duck!"

My elder brother said that reciprocity is a virtue of Chinese people!
Tao Shen really wanted to hug his younger sister and turn around in circles 360 degrees. How could my younger sister be so cute, so sensible, and so well-behaved!
He tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart, but he didn't know that the blooming flowers above his head had already turned 360 degrees in circles!
Tao Ti looked up at the top of his head, her eyes widened in surprise, it was the first time she saw the Huahuas circling in circles, it was so shocking!
This brother really likes himself!

Is he so happy just to treat him to a meal?
Little Taotie tilted his head and thought for a while, stepped forward and held Tao Shen's hand, and said in a childlike voice, "I will treat you to dinner often in the future!"

Little Taotie's eyes lit up!
The little flowers exploded on the spot, and the petals sprinkled all over the sky like fireworks, and then fell on the head and turned back into little flowers. This is not over, they started dancing on the spot again, like dancing Yangko!

Little Taotie couldn't help clapping his little hands: "You danced really well!"

Tao Shen was at a loss.

My sister wants to dance by herself?
So Tao Shen, who was at a loss, did not hesitate to perform an impromptu dance for his sister.

The piano sounded, and with the accompaniment of the music, Tao Shen, who originally wanted to stop, could only continue dancing until the music stopped.

Tao Shen thought he would welcome his younger sister's cheers, but who knew that his younger sister ran towards the piano suddenly, and asked cheerfully, "Why are you here? I thought you were on the mountain. You didn't wait for me that day. Did you wait for a long time? I'm sorry, I went down the mountain beforehand..."

Hua Jinyan showed a shy smile and shook his head: "I didn't wait long, you don't need to apologize."

Looking in the mirror again, I felt that I was perfect. Tian Leran who just came out, and Tao Shen who was panting from dancing, both of them were stunned at the same time.

The same thought in my mind: So, he can laugh?
Hua Jinyan came to Tian Leran's class here, like an autistic child, who can't laugh or cry, just looks at you with a blank face, and then Tian Leran asked his mother again and again, only to know some inside information, the child is not his own Autism, but it is also different from ordinary children, and has some special abilities.

Tao Shen had heard of his younger brother's junior in his previous life. He had been with him for a while before and played several cheerful piano pieces for him. He kept a straight face, as if he owed him a lot of money.

I didn't expect to smile when I saw my sister!

She also has a pretty smile!
"Huh?" Little Taotie fixed his eyes on Hua Jinyan's wrist, tilted his head and asked, "Is this... a colorful relic?"

Hua Jinyan nodded, took it off and handed it over on the spot.

After Xiao Taotie took it, he took a closer look, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became, especially the red relic, which was not so round, because it hit his forehead, so it was a little deformed.

"This is the relic that fell on me! It's the colorful relic that I returned to the police uncle!"

(End of this chapter)

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