Seeing the person coming, Qingluan immediately yelled: "Old guy, let me go, otherwise, you should know what will happen!"

Lord Judge originally didn't want to make Qing Luan an enemy, and he asked Xiao Zhuo to find Qing Bird just to confirm some things.

But seeing this little bird being so arrogant now, he laughed angrily: "You have already become a prisoner, but you are still so arrogant, you are capable."

"Who am I, you should be very clear! Do you want to be an enemy of my master!"

The screeching sound was extremely ear-piercing.

"Close your bird's beak, it's too noisy." The judge casually waved the brush in his hand, and a big "seal" appeared out of thin air, hitting Qingluan's beak.


Qingluan widened her pupils angrily, the pupils were on fire, full of warnings and threats!

"These eyes are really annoying, do you want to be sealed?"

Qingluan trembled.

It is trembling with anger!

How dare this old guy!
How dare you treat yourself like this!

I am Xuannv's mount, if Xuannv knows that a mere judge of the underworld, a rookie who can't even get into the reincarnation palace, how dare he treat himself like this!

Let him be smashed to pieces and wiped out in ashes!
Must ask the master to kill him!

Qingluan's heart is full of evil thoughts, and his desire to kill the judge reaches the highest point.

At this moment, the judge felt the murderous intent from the opponent, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qingluan, Xuannv's Qingluan, is indeed a big trouble.

But who knew it fell into his own hands?
That little ghost is his own, and he won't tell others.

Hehe, this Qingluan wants to return to Xuannv's side?

The magistrate suddenly changed his attire, with a monk's robe on his body, with a kind smile: "Before I became a spectator, I was a person who worshiped the Buddha."

Qingluan glanced at him coldly.

Be it the God Realm or the Heaven Realm, they are all in different realms from the Buddha Realm.

For Qingluan who followed Xuannv, he thought that the Buddhist world was just a rising star, and it had only been two or three thousand years since it really appeared in the human world. You must know that Xuannv became the emperor's master 3000 years ago.

How can a rising star compete with the sun and the moon.

In his heart, the gods of the gods and the great powers of the heavens are far superior to the Buddha.

The Judge saw the disdain and contempt in Qingluan's small eyes, and he chuckled lightly: "Everything exists for a reason. Nowadays, there are more people worshiping Nine Heavens Xuannv, or are there more Buddhas?"

"Mmmmmmm——" Qingluan poked her neck, as if arguing about something.

The writing brush in Lord Judge's hand turned into a wooden fish at some point, and he tapped the wooden fish slowly, "If I become a disciple of the tenth Buddha, I can go to Paradise."

Qingluan doesn't look at him.

Disdain still exists in my heart.

The world is bewitched by these people who practice Buddhism, what they say is swaying from side to side, justifying themselves, but those stupid mortals like to listen to their fake words.

The prosperity of the Buddhist world today is caused by those mortals who burn incense and pay respects to the Buddha. The fundamental reason is not that they directly descended to the world to do so-called good deeds and accumulate so-called merits. , if the master does it, there will be nothing in the Buddhist world.

You know, when the emperor was still there, he ordered all mortals to worship Xuannv, but after the emperor went to the heaven, the number of people who worshiped became less and less.

Lord Judge smiled: "I'm just a judge now, but I voluntarily go to the Reincarnation Palace and walk through the reincarnation gate."

Qingluan was shocked and amazed.

Is this old guy out of his mind?
Is the judge wrong?Want to be a mortal?

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