The little braid was very happy to get Mr. Judge's writing brush. The body of this writing brush was made of suet white jade, and it was delicate and moist in the hand.

The little pigtail waved at Zhennan Hou Shizi, and asked before leaving, "What's your name?"

what name?Zhennan Hou Shizi shook his head.

The memories of too many lives, the names of too many lives, can no longer tell the priority.

"No name?" The little pigtail laughed.

Zhennan Hou Shizi nodded: "You can call me Wuming."

Little Braid didn't expect him to be so easy to talk to, he was quite a nice person, put away his playful thoughts, and said seriously: "You are Mr. Judge, from now on I will respectfully call you Mr. Wuming."


The little braid walks in the world holding the writing brush with suet white jade body in his hand.

Suddenly, the brush trembled.

He opened his palm, and the brush stopped in his palm and spun, and finally fixed in one direction.

The little braid walked in that direction, and not long after, the brush spun again, pointing to another convenience, comparable to navigation.

Stopped in front of a hospital.

The little pigtail looked up and made sure that this was the obstetrics and gynecology department, so he went in.

He saw a newborn baby with nine dots on the top of the baby's head, like birthmarks.

Most people would regard it as a birthmark, but the little braid knew that it represented his ninth life as a monk, and this was his tenth life.

The baby's eyes are very bright, looking at the little pigtail with substance.

The little braid was taken aback, then grinned: "Can you see me?"

The little baby stretched out his hand in his direction, grabbing something indiscriminately.

The nurse smiled and said, "What are you looking at, this little cutie who is so focused?"

Nurse breastfeeds little baby with a bottle.

After the nurse left, the little baby still looked at where the little braid was.

Little Pigtail blinked: "It seems that you, like Little Taotie, were born able to see me. Then can you also see other than me... Ah Piao?"

The little braid stayed by the little baby's side, and the sky darkened. Once it got dark in the hospital, some lost Apiao would come out of the morgue.

The little baby couldn't sleep, and stared at the little braid curiously with round eyes, and the little braid was vigilant as if facing a big enemy.

An old Apiao walked to the nursery, she wanted to see these children.

Seeing the little braid here, the old A Piao was taken aback, his eyes fell on the brush in his hand, and he became instinctively afraid.

"Come here." The little pigtail beckoned to her.

Little Braid didn't see any evil or resentment from her, so his attitude towards her was not bad. If it was another evil spirit, he would have already attacked her.

The old Ah Piao walked over tremblingly, and came to the side of the little pigtail, submissively: "My lord, I was killed, and the time has not yet arrived. My normal death time is next month. Last time, a ghost messenger lord and As I said, tell me to wait in the hospital for a month."

Little Pigtail nodded: "I'm not looking for you to take you away, but to let you stand here."

Old Ah Piao was puzzled.

"Try teasing him to see if he can see you?"

Old Ah Piao smiled and shook his head: "I used to believe that babies can see, but I was bored in the hospital. I would always come here at night and tease the children here, but no one responded to me. Explain that babies can’t see me. In fact, even their parents and family members can’t see clearly. Babies can’t see clearly until they are older. Living people can’t see clearly, so how can they see dead people.”

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