Chapter 134

Hua Jinyan is very talented in painting, so he asked Tian Leran for paper and pencils, and sketched the appearance of the maid.

Seeing the portrait on the paper, Tao Mo and Tian Leran exclaimed.

Tao Shen's eyes were gloomy: "It's her! Did she turn into an evil spirit?"

Tao Shen has already heard his grandfather briefly say that his sister's ability should be the same as Hua Jinyan's, she can see the soul body that ordinary people can't see.

He knew that Hua Jinyan could see it, but he didn't expect that his sister in this life could also have this ability.

He is a reborn person, so he didn't doubt all of this, and he firmly believed in it.

Cheng Guodong looked at Tao Mo and asked, "Master, is this maid the culprit?"

Both Cheng Guodong and Qin Xin have investigated what happened back then, and know that Xiao Taotie was transferred and sold by a maid.

Tao Mo nodded with difficulty, his face solemn: "She has been punished by the law, but she never thought that she could still be a demon after death!"

Tian Leran took out her mobile phone and hurriedly called the old sister, "Hey, sister, do you still have the contact information of the Fengshui master you invited to do at home last time? Hurry up and send it to me!"

Tian Leran didn't end here, and called another old sister: "Hey, sister, where is the very spiritual temple you mentioned, hurry up, send me the address!"

She called again: "Hey, sister, you said that there is a Taoist temple that is very powerful. Where is it? Send me the address. Speed! Hurry up!"

She made another call: "Hey, sister, last time you went to Thailand, you said that the dragon is very powerful, what, is it gone? Does he have any disciples, and do you have contact information? Hurry up, send it to me! "

Tao Mo looked at his wife speechlessly, wanted to say a few words, but didn't dare to speak to her, so he could only watch quietly, trying to use his eyes to tell his wife what he wanted to express: You pass, don't go too far!Are you going to invite all the masters of metaphysics to sit down and drink tea in one room?Are you not afraid that they will fight with different genres?

Tian Leran pushed his glasses and squinted at him: "Old man, do you have a problem with me?"

The old man hurriedly lowered his head like a quail.

Tao Ti tilted her head and looked at the grandma who was too fierce to speak to Grandpa Fan. She was a little scared, and subconsciously hid behind Grandpa Fan, and asked in a low voice, "Is this grandma Fan? It's so fierce... "

Although her voice is low, Tian Leran is a music student, and her ears are very sensitive, so she can hear everything!

The old lady was anxious.

It's over, it's over, the impression of the first meeting is terrible!

If my little granddaughter doesn't like me, what should I do!
Seeing his wife's anxiety, the old man hurriedly explained: "She was frightened by the evil spirit, that's why she is like this."

"Are you scared?" Tao Ti tilted her head, she didn't know what to be afraid of evil spirits, she can turn into delicious chocolate with a slap, it's not scary at all!

Tao Ti took out the bulging thing in her pocket, which was a small wooden sculpture.

There is a lot of wood in the house of the old monk master in Shaolin Temple. The old monk likes to carve very much. In addition, in her dream, she has been with the God of War to see the sculpture of the God of War, so she also learned a little bit of carving.

When she had nothing to do, she accompanied the old monk and took a small piece of wood to carve with her.

The sculpture looks like a small white beast, not as vivid as the God of War sculpture, and there is a little crooked mouth, but she has worked very hard.

She handed over the palm-sized small wooden carving, and said in a shy voice, "Grandma Fan, this is a gift from me for meeting you, if you put it on the bedside, no evil spirits will disturb you! Don't be afraid, I'll help you catch that evil spirit upstairs and eat it!"

(End of this chapter)

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