Chapter 1396 Why did you give him money?
Seeing that he didn't speak, Xiao Taotie continued to make up his sword: "Even if he just suspects you, and there is no evidence to prove that you put the maggots, that is enough to make him angry at you and not pay you."

Chef Wu: "..."

What the kid said was too reasonable to refute.

There is indeed such a possibility.

When the guests make trouble because of maggots, the little girl will definitely not be able to handle it, and the real boss will still have to come forward.

The boss will definitely not believe that no one is playing tricks. After all, the store has been open for so many years. Let alone maggots, even small flying insects are impossible to appear on the plate. .

For the three people who were suspected, no matter whether they did this thing or not, it is impossible for the boss to give them severance pay.

Chef Wu, who was dazzled by greed, finally stopped being hot-headed, and finally gradually calmed down.

He slumped on the chair weakly, his whole body seemed to be emptied all of a sudden.

"I did it."

It's quiet, but the lounge is quiet enough to be heard clearly.

Little Taotie spread out his hands: "So, I didn't wrong you, you are really ugly when you cry out."

Liars, so ugly.

Xiao Taotie pointed to a surveillance camera in the room: "Everything just now was filmed, and you have confessed. I will tell the real boss all this and let him deal with you."

Chef Wu nodded resignedly.


The boss who received the surveillance video hurried over, he entered the lounge, Little Taotie retreated, leaving the lounge to him and Chef Wu.

The boss and Chef Wu sat face to face, and neither of them spoke at first.

The boss took out something wrapped in old newspapers from his bag and handed it over.

Chef Wu was puzzled: "What is it?"

"See for yourself." The boss's tone was not very good.

Chef Wu pursed his lips, his eyes dodged his guilty conscience, and he didn't dare to meet the boss's eyes.

He slowly opened the old newspaper and saw what was wrapped inside.

It's money.

Money stacked thickly.

Visually, around [-].

It should be [-] severance pay.

He looked up at the boss in disbelief, "This..."

The boss made a silent gesture, "Don't talk, I don't want to hear your voice."

"This is the severance package you want, I've given it to you now, and you can leave too."

The boss stood up and opened the door to go out.

But Chef Wu yelled: "Why did you give it to me! Why didn't you call the police and arrest me? I've already admitted that you can call the police and arrest me! Why did you still give me money, why did you still give me—"

"You don't miss the old relationship, but I'm not you. You and I have known each other for six years. I don't want to send you in and ruin your future. But I don't want to continue to associate with you. You leave, we will not be in the future If you are a friend, just treat it as a stranger, and if you see it on the road, treat it as if you don’t know it.”

The boss left and closed the door.

Chef Wu looked at the closed door, then at the money in his hand, and finally burst into tears in shame.

Chef Wu left, but the boss finally gave him face, telling other employees that something happened to Chef Wu's hometown, so he had to rush back.

But as a discerning head chef, he can guess a thing or two.

It was too coincidental that Chef Wu left just after the maggot incident happened.

There is only one possibility, the maggots were released by Wu Chu.

Chef Wu took away the [-] yuan, but he didn't refuse the money because of self-blame and guilt, which Xiao Taotie felt dissatisfied.

Little Taotie ate the fruit candy brought by the boss, sullenly: "Why did you give him money?"

(End of this chapter)

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