Chapter 140 Silence Is Jin Learned

"What are you in a daze for?" Tao Ti handed a red chocolate to Hua Jinyan's mouth, "Ah! Open your mouth!"

Hua Jinyan subconsciously opened his mouth obediently, and stuffed a piece of chocolate into his mouth.

The sweetness of strawberries and the bitterness of chocolate melt in the mouth, making you feel happy.

"Do you want to help a group of sisters in the hospital?" Hua Jinyan asked.

Little Taotie nodded without hesitation: "But, didn't you ask me to help?"

"Let's go, I'll ask you to help once."

Little Taotie cheered up, and handed him another piece of chocolate, "The green one is delicious too!"

Looking at the green patch of dark chocolate on the top of the hat-like semicircle, Hua Jinyan refused in his heart, but opened his mouth: "Ah!"

The little Taotie, who was just about to hand it to him, tilted his head and changed his action into feeding it into his mouth.

Cheng Guodong on the side frowned, and muttered: "I look at this kid, the more he looks the less pleasing to the eye, doesn't he have hands? I want my sister to feed it to his mouth, and my sister didn't even feed me chocolate!"

Qin Xin smiled and said, "Even the seven-color relics are willing to give them away. This kid's family background is very unusual."

"What's so great, I can't afford it!" Cheng Guodong snorted.

Qin Xin spread his hands: "You can afford it, but you can't! There is a price but no market!"

Cheng Guodong: "..."

Seeing that the older brother was deflated, Qin Xin laughed unkindly: "It's not a bad thing to have multiple little bamboo horses, they are still young anyway."

Cheng Guodong became even more angry, and snorted again: "He still wants to have a childhood sweetheart with my sister? I won't send my sister to Shaolin Temple again, stay away from this brat!"

"He used to live in Shaolin Temple because he didn't find the colorful relics. Now that he has found the colorful relics, do you think he will go back?"

Cheng Guodong: "... so angry!"

"Don't be angry, as the saying goes, childhood sweethearts are not as good as heaven!"

"Uh!" Cheng Guodong fantasized that the brat followed his younger sister's buttocks to be courteous since he was a child, but after many years, the younger sister was with Tianxiang, and the brat was so sad that he hid in the corner and cried!
Cool!Cry this brat to death!

The corners of Cheng Guodong's mouth turned up, and he began to smirk.

"Brother, you laugh like this, like a big villain who separates the hero and heroine!"

"What nonsense!" Cheng Guodong hurriedly stopped laughing, trying to control his expression.

"Teacher Tian, ​​we have to go back to the hospital." Hua Jinyan said.

Tian Leran asked worriedly: "Did you forget anything in the hospital?"

Hua Jinyan pursed his lips, neither saying yes nor no.

Tian Leran thought he was acquiescing, and said anxiously: "What's missing? Let's go to the hospital to find it!"

Little Taotie gave Hua Jinyan a thumbs up.

Learned this trick!You don't have to lie, you can achieve your goals!
Hua Jinyan's ears turned red.

"You don't need to go back, tell me what you lost, and I'll go back and look for it." Qin Xin took a step forward and suggested.

Tian Leran nodded, knelt down and asked Hua Jinyan, "What did you lose, tell this brother."

Hua Jinyan pursed his lips, lowered his eyes, and did not speak.

Tian Leran knew that this student was not talkative, so she sighed and said to Qin Xin: "No need, let's go back and look for it ourselves, this child is afraid of life."

Qin Xin squinted her eyes, always feeling that this matter was not simple, but rather weird.

Cheng Guodong leaned into Qin Xin's ear and whispered: "There is something wrong with this kid, and my sister's reaction is also a little bit wrong. What are the two children plotting behind our backs?"

(End of this chapter)

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