Chapter 1404 No eye drops

When the guests saw that the male guest had chatted with the top-notch Gu Yixing, they were extremely envious and eager to strike up a conversation.

Obviously, not everyone can strike up a conversation smoothly. This male guest is more lively, and he also chats casually without purpose, so Gu Yixing only chatted a few words, but the guest who came to strike up a conversation later kept saying nothing. The topic of work is boring.

After the rush hour for lunch, the restaurants on the big screen were empty, and the employees began to move freely.

Gu Yixing stood up, took Xiao Taotie's hand, "Let's go to rest first."

The director nodded.

The eyes of the other guests were sticky, and they were reluctant to let Dingliu leave, but they dared not say anything.

Gu Yixing and Xiao Taotie left under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Little Taotie wanted to go back to her room, but Gu Yixing felt that something was wrong with her, so she started to question her.

Little Taotie was in a hurry to go back and release Sister A Piao, but the third brother wouldn't let him go, so she had to tell the truth.

Knowing that her sister encountered a disfigured A Piao of unknown origin in the restaurant, Gu Yixing was a little worried, "Are you sure she's not an evil spirit?"

Little Taotie nodded his head: "She has no evil thoughts and resentment, but there is a faint golden light, which should be a merit. I think sister Ah Piao must be a kind person in front of her."

Back in the room, Little Taotie shook the horse-faced bell.

Gu Yixing tightened his grip on the safety talisman that Master Ma had given him earlier, feeling a little flustered.

In fact, he couldn't see anything, but just because he couldn't see, he felt even more nervous. He always felt chilly because he was being watched by A Piao.

Gu Yixing asked: "Have you come out yet?"

Little Taotie was still shaking the horse face bell vigorously, his little head shook: "No, maybe he fell asleep."

Gu Yixing found it funny, "It's already A Piao, can you still fall asleep?"

"Grandpa said before that, at the end of the cultivation of ghost cultivators, they can be like living people. They can eat, drink and sleep. There is basically no difference except that they are afraid of the sun."

"Don't say it, don't say it, it's better for me to know less, the hairs on my body are standing on end."

Little Taotie laughed loudly: "Third brother is a coward!"

Gu Yixing didn't blush, and admitted: "Yes, I'm a coward, so sister, don't talk about it, let your third brother go, otherwise I will definitely keep my eyes open until dawn tonight."

Little Taotie chatted with Gu Yixing, but he did not forget to shake the horse face bell in his hand.

I don't know how long it took to shake it, and finally woke up the sleeping disfigured A Piao.

Ah Piao appeared in front of Little Taotie, and just as Little Taotie was about to ask her why it took her so long to come out, she heard a scream from beside her.

Little Taotie tilted his head suspiciously: "Third brother, what's your name?"

Gu Yixing covered his mouth and pointed in the direction of A Piao, his eyes filled with horror.

He saw it!

He actually saw A Piao!

The disfigured Ah Piao had a terrifying face, but his eyes were not fierce, but rather docile, they were amber eyes like sunlight.

Little Taotie was surprised: "Third Brother, can you see Sister A Piao?"

Gu Yixing was so frightened that his legs went limp, he sat down on the chair and stammered: "She is disfigured, her eyes...the eyes are amber."

"Yes! You are right! Third brother, have you taken eye drops that can see Ah Piao?"

Gu Yixing frantically shook his head: "No..."

Little Taotie was puzzled: "No eye drops? Then how did you see her?"

(End of this chapter)

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