Chapter 1407 My sister is gluttonous

She didn't take the other party's advice seriously, and was finally caught by the woman named Xiaoqian.

Xiaoqian was crazy, her eyes were full of anger.

Xiaoqian locked her up, which reminded her of the ten years when she was locked up in the villa by the owner, like the ten years when a marionette lived.

"He and I are childhood sweethearts, and everyone thinks that if I grow up to marry him, he will definitely marry me."

"I am the most suitable person for him. I have been waiting to marry him when I grow up, but why do you show up? You shouldn't show up, you are the mistress!"

"You shouldn't appear, you should disappear, completely disappear!"

Xiaoqian beat her crazily, talking about all the grievances she had towards her.

She was disfigured by Xiaoqian, beaten, and starved to death in a dark room.

When she is very hungry, she will think of the days when her parents took her to eat that bowl of Kung Pao Chicken Noodles when she was a child. That was the happiest moment for her.

She only thinks about that bowl of noodles, and she chooses to forget all the unhappy things.

Then she turned into A Piao, and she came out from the locked place to "Tang Shixuan" at some point, but she could only smell the aroma of Kung Pao Chicken, but could not eat it anymore.

She doesn't want to have special abilities, she just wants to be ordinary.

She doesn't want to love him, loving him is too tiring and painful.

That's why she chose to forget all the painful memories, until now, she didn't completely remember everything that she had forgotten.

"Sister! Sister, sister—"

A Piao pulled away from the painful memories, turned to look at Little Taotie, "Huh?"

Little Taotie let out a sigh of relief: "You didn't look well just now."

Gray and black wrapped her in it, wandering among evil spirits and wraiths.

Fortunately, the little Taotie woke her up, and the gray and black disappeared instantly, and she returned to a clean spirit state.

"I'm fine, I just remembered some bad memories." Ah Piao smiled in front of him.

Little Taotie looked at the photo on the tablet and asked, "Sister, is this what you used to be?"

Apiao nodded slightly.

"My sister really looks good when she smiles!" Xiao Taotie smiled, and Xiao Li dimpled.

"Sister, did you eat the chocolate and candy in the horse face bell? It may be because you ate those, so your cultivation base has improved and become materialized, but because your ability came too fast, you still can't master it Well, it will cause ordinary people to see your existence."

Ah Piao thought of the candy he ate in the horse-faced bell, felt a little guilty, and said like a mosquito: "It's all gone."

"There's nothing left?" Little Taotie tilted his head to look at her with innocent eyes.

Ah Piao felt even more guilty, coughing dryly: "Chocolate, candy."

Little Taotie blinked, and the innocent eyes were replaced by shock, her eyes were full of disbelief, "Sister, do you mean that you ate all the chocolate and candy in the horse face bell? Not a single one was left?"

A Piao felt extremely guilty, and nodded with difficulty.

A thunderbolt from the blue sky!The little Taotie wailed, and hugged the horse face bell tightly, "I kept it for a long time, my sister is the gluttonous beast, she can eat better than me!"

From their conversation, Gu Yixing also heard the outline of the matter, couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

His laughter caught the attention of one person and one ghost, and two pairs of eyes stared over at the same time.

Gu Yixing was once again startled by the disfigured A Piao, and covered his heart: "I used to want to have the special ability to see A Piao, but now I feel that this ability is too bad, so I don't want to give it to me." !"

Little Taotie stuck out his tongue: "Third brother is a coward!"

She straightened her back and patted her chest, "I'm not afraid at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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