Chapter 1428 Let's Listen to This Story

Little Taotie backed away silently, as if afraid of being caught.

The little girl backed away with a faint halo all over her body, and she turned into a small white beast, just to run away quickly.

Sure enough, God of War reached out.

The little white beast just ran out for a little bit, and was snatched back by an invisible big hand behind it.

"I didn't hear anything, don't kill me to silence me!"

The little beast spit out people's words, feeling like there is no 300 taels of silver here, so he stopped calling himself.

God of War smiled, and hugged the little white beast into his arms, as if holding a baby, holding her with one hand, and scratching her chin with the other hand like a gentle tickle.

The little white beast that wanted to run away immediately calmed down.

"Want to read the story about us?" God of War leaned into her soft ear and whispered, his voice was gentle and his breath was warm.

The warm breath sprayed into the ear sockets of the little white beast, in exchange for the little beast's sad little eyes.

God of War laughed heartily.

The subordinates on the side were about to be overwhelmed with surprise, God of War actually laughed, it was okay to laugh, but he still laughed out loud, laughing again and again, this is so rare!
As if sensing the eager and curious eyes of his subordinates, God of War said indifferently: "You go first."

do not!I still want to see you fall in love!

Unfortunately, the subordinates dare not speak.

The subordinate nodded, and then walked slowly outside.

This pace is not a little slow, it seems to want to wait for the good show to start.

God of War is also very patient, he won't open his mouth until his subordinates leave the circle completely.

When he was completely gone, God of War reached out and pinched the little girl's soft, pink ears with white cochleas.

The little white beast shook its ears desperately, trying to avoid his hand.

As everyone knows, her anxious and angry little eyes filled with resentment are extremely bright and lovely.

God of War held up the face of the little white beast, and tickled her chin by the way.

The little beast was forced to raise its head and look at God of War: "...I'm hungry, can you let me eat?"


God of War rarely refused her.

The little beast was furious, showing its small canine teeth, and made a threatening sound of "Ho Ho Ho Ho" from its throat. It seemed that if the God of War refused again, she would bite down mercilessly.

God of War didn't dodge, but put his hand to her mouth, "Come on, grind your teeth."

The little white beast who was about to demonstrate: "..." Please!You are so fierce!

Seeing her calm down, God of War said slowly, "Come on, let's listen to this story. In this story, you are a fox."

The little white beast almost jumped up angrily: "Why is it a fox? I am obviously a glutton! Could it be that the glutton is not powerful? How can I let the stinky fox overwhelm me! No, I want to turn back into a human and become a human being!"

Seeing her getting into the drama so much, God of War smiled lightly: "It's true that it's all just fiction, so don't worry about it."

A bunch of grapes appeared in God of War's hands for no reason, and he picked a grape and sent it to the mouth of the little white beast.

The little white beast came closer and sniffed it, then shook its head on the spot.

People who are used to delicacies from mountains and seas are more or less reluctant to eat this kind of mortal fruit suddenly.

Although Xiao Taotie thinks that he will fall in love with delicious food as soon as he takes a bite, but because the food looks bad or smells bad, it seems that he can't even make the first step.

"why do not you eat?"

"Thick skin."

God of War laughed out loud, so he resigned himself to helping the little girl peel the grapes.

(End of this chapter)

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