Chapter 143
Before Hua Jinyan could speak, Little Taotie put his hands on his hips angrily: "No! This is my candy! Mine!"

Tian Leran was intrigued by the little girl's fierce look, but when she saw the little girl's eyes shining brightly, she knew that she had really lost her temper, so she tried to comfort her: "Whoever wants to grab the sweets from Guaibao, grandma will help you teach him a lesson! You buy candy, don't be angry, baby boy!"

Little Taotie was taken aback.

She is rarely called Bao.

In my memory, only the twin brothers and sisters are always called Bao, and they are the treasures that everyone loves.

And she...

Just like in the song, a child without a mother is like a grass.

But she obviously has a mother, and she doesn't understand why her mother doesn't like her.

Seeing her in a daze, the old lady tentatively stretched out her hand to hug her. Seeing that the little girl was still in a daze and did not refuse, the old lady smiled and rolled her eyes.

oops!Got my little granddaughter!
Fragrant and soft!
so cute!
Really like!
When Xiao Taotie came back to her senses, she was hugged in a warm embrace, she raised her head, and looked at Ueda with joyful and loving eyes.

The bouquet on Tian Leran's head exploded like fireworks, and then returned to its original shape, blooming in pieces, shaking back and forth.

Little Taotie blushed, and said in a childish voice, "Grandma, why are you hugging me all of a sudden?"

"Baby is angry, grandma hugs you, and you won't be angry."

"I... I'm not angry."

"Tell grandma, who is going to take your candy?"

"I..." Little Taotie took a peek at her, and said in a low voice, "If you call someone else, I won't be able to turn resentment into candy, and I won't be able to help pretty sister find the murderer."

Hua Jinyan was afraid that they would not understand, so he helped to explain: "After seven days, if she killed herself instead of committing suicide, she would become a spirit of resentment. Little Taotie can collect resentment and turn it into candy, and resentment will be turned into bad luck befalls the murderer."

Little Taotie nodded: "We don't need to participate, and we don't need to tell the police who the murderer is. As long as bad luck strikes, that villain will be enveloped by bad luck and exposed himself!"

"So amazing?" Cheng Guodong wondered, "Did you do it before?"

"I didn't know it before. After eating a lot of evil spirit chocolates and ghost candies, I entered the dream and learned in the dream. As long as I eat a lot of evil spirit chocolates and ghost candies, I will become stronger. !" Little Taotie laughed innocently, completely unaware of the impact these words had on the three adults present.

Tian Leran opened her mouth, but found her throat hoarse: "Aren't you afraid of them?"

The little Taotie tilted his head and made a gesture of a tiger pouncing on his prey. With a childish "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm a fierce beast, they're scared when they see me, I'm not scared at all." Don't be afraid!"

They are so delicious, why be afraid!

Her eyes were shining, and she subconsciously touched her pocket with her small hands. In the pocket were the chocolates that Hua Jinyan had caught outside the mountain gate. She was reluctant to eat them all, and saved three.

I really want to eat it!

But I promised the fan grandma that she can't eat it until she asks those masters of metaphysics.

so sad……

Her small face was wrinkled, and her small brows were knit together.

Tian Leran anxiously asked: "Where is it uncomfortable? What's wrong?"

Little Taotie looked at her pitifully, with a thin mist in his eyes, "I...I'm hungry."

Cheng Guodong immediately understood and explained in Tian Leran's ear.

He knew that his sister hid three evil spirit chocolates and was reluctant to eat them.

Hearing this, Tian Leran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, hurriedly opened a box of chocolates she just bought, forked one and stuffed it into Xiao Taotie's mouth.

"Oh!" Xiao Taotie's mouth was full of chocolate, and he narrowed his eyes happily.

"Then we'll come back in seven days. Goodbye, beautiful sister!" Xiao Taotie stood at the entrance of the hospital, waving to the beautiful sister in the hospital.

This time, the beautiful sister was not crying or despairing, but smiled happily and waved her hands in response.

(End of this chapter)

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