Chapter 1430 This is definitely not a memory

Little Taotie clapped his hands and applauded when he heard the joy, obviously he regarded God of War as a storyteller.

"Say it quickly, what happened later!" Changing Xiao Taotie urged God of War to speak quickly.

Some words in the book have a bad ending, but once they pass through the mouth of God of War, it will become a happy ending.

Eat and drink enough, and listen to stories, Xiao Taotie felt that such a day was too comfortable.

Even if it is a dream, I hope to keep dreaming.

But it was already dawn, and the sound of birds chirping and chirping from outside the window urged people to get up.

Little Taotie gradually opened his eyes and yawned. His big eyes met those of sister A Piao, and the little girl showed a shy smile: "Sister, good morning!"

Sister Ah Piao had a strange expression on her face.

"Sister, what's the matter? By the way, I finally had a dream last night. Did you enter my dream and watch?"

The reason why Ah Piao's expression is weird is also because of this dream.

She even suspected that her judgment was wrong, because it was a gray bubble, she thought it was a dream recalling the past, or it might be something from the previous life, anyway, it happened.

But seeing the content of the dream, she felt that it was just an ordinary fantasy dream.

After all, a dignified god of war peeling grapes for a little girl, feeding fruit, and telling stories is probably only a dream in a dream.

"Sister, why don't you speak?"

Ah Piao came back to his senses, hesitated for a moment, and still told the truth: "Last night's dream was gray bubbles."

Little Taotie tilted his head, and said in a childish voice, "I remember my sister said that the gray bubbles are memories?"

Ah Piao nodded, with a solemn expression: "But I think I may have made a mistake in my judgment. After all, your dream is illusory no matter how you look at it. It is impossible for this kind of thing to happen."

Little Taotie was puzzled: "When will it not happen?"

A Piao: "For example, the God of War peels grape skins, and the God of War feeds you fruit... This is the treatment only in dreams. It is impossible for a real God of War to do such a thing."

Little Taotie tilted his head, feeling even more puzzled, "Why can't God of War make it?"

"Because he is the God of War."

Little Taotie was even more puzzled: "Because he is the God of War, he is different from ordinary people. There is no happy thing, no sad thing? Why can't he even peel a grape? And I didn't tell him to peel it." , I still despise his dirty hands, peeled pitted..."

This completely belongs to being in the blessing and not knowing the blessing, Ah Piao smiled and shook his head: "This is just a dream, it will definitely not be a memory of your past."

"How can you be sure it's not my memory?"

Little Taotie felt that the dream was very real, she could vaguely feel that this was a good memory, that's why it appeared in the form of a dream.

"In the dream, you are the mount of the God of War, which is believable, but how can a god as high as the God of War condescend to peel grapes for you in front of everyone!"

Little Taotie exclaimed angrily: "Anyway, these are my memories, God of War wanted it himself, why would he say I was wrong! Hmph, I will ignore you!"

The little girl ran out of bed and ran into the toilet to wash up.

When she got out of the toilet, she seemed to have forgotten what happened just now, and asked, "Sister, do you want to go to school with me? Or do you want to enter the horse face bell and hide? Or wait at home for me to come back from school?"

Ah Piao thought about it, and finally entered the horse-faced bell, and her boyfriend was among them, who happened to enter the horse-faced bell to get along with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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