Chapter 1436 The Violent Emperor

The so-called emperor of the world jumped into a rage, covered his hot face, and shouted, "Catch them! I'm going to take their skin off!"

"No! Absolutely no!"

The chief eunuch hurriedly sighed with emotion: "Your Majesty, have you forgotten the warning of the holy monk? If you commit another crime, the country will be lost. Your throne—ah!"

The emperor of the world flew up and kicked the eunuch's heart, and the eunuch fell to the ground with blood gushing out of his mouth. It can be seen that this kick had added internal strength and was mercilessly ruthless.

The man looked down at the chief eunuch from above, and said sharply: "I am the emperor, why should I listen to a bald donkey! I don't believe what he said! I want to see, after I kill these two daring lunatics, will this country meet?" Destroyed because of two things of unknown origin!"

"Your Majesty! Think twice!" The chief eunuch burst into tears.

He used to be on duty at the side of the late emperor, and when the late emperor passed away, he was originally going to be buried with him, but the late emperor ordered him to assist the new emperor, so he left this humble life, only to complete the tasks assigned to him by the late emperor.

But now...

The chief eunuch looked at the new emperor who showed the demeanor of a tyrant, and knew that he would not be able to complete the task entrusted to him by the previous emperor.

The chief eunuch coughed up several mouthfuls of blood, and his already exhausted body became the last straw that broke the camel's back because of this kick.

The head eunuch is not going to die in peace, because he has no face to see the late emperor.

The emperor of the world didn't expect that it was just a kick, and this useless slave died without any sympathy or pity. He looked at the chief eunuch with disgust and disgust, as if dying in front of him was dirtying him. Sight.

"Come on, drag him down!"

The little eunuchs were very sad. This Chief Eunuch was a rare and fair person. After his death, it is unknown who will become the new Chief Eunuch, and he does not know what will happen in the future.

At this moment, they thought that the new emperor ordered them to collect the body for the chief eunuch, and they still had some expectations for the new emperor, but the new emperor's next words made them despair and sad.

"Throw it into the mass grave, it won't die sooner or later, unlucky thing!"

Throw it to the mass grave! ! !
The little eunuchs were full of disbelief.

This is the servant who followed the late emperor, the most trusted servant of the late emperor, but fell into the hands of the new emperor, without even a place for burial, and was reduced to a sad end of being thrown into a mass grave!
It can't help but make people feel a sense of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox is sad.

"Everyone is deaf! Drag him down quickly! Don't want to live anymore? Or do you want to be buried in a mass grave too?"

The new emperor glared furiously, his eyes were gloomy and crazy, and his voice was violent and deafening.

The little eunuchs didn't dare to raise their heads, they obediently responded, and dragged the head eunuch's body away according to the new emperor's order.

Some people wanted to bury the body of the chief eunuch in the earth, but the other young eunuchs were too scared to disobey the king's will. In the end, the minority obeyed the majority, and the body of the chief eunuch was still thrown in the mass grave.

After the little eunuchs dragged away the corpses, the new emperor pointed at Feng Qi and the little Taotie, his angry eyes seemed to be able to spew out fire, and at this moment there was still a burning pain on his face.

"I will definitely let you survive but not die!"

The guards rushed over upon hearing the news, and even the hidden guards were dispatched. They thought someone was going to assassinate His Majesty.

But when I came to the scene, I saw only two children.

At this moment, Little Taotie looks like a six or seven-year-old child, and Feng Qi also transforms into a seven- or eight-year-old human girl in order to be a better playmate.

The eyes of the two children are very bright, one is full of starlight, and the other is bright and bright.

(End of this chapter)

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