Chapter 1452
The old man and the grandson visited several houses, and as soon as they asked if there were any villages near the city, they would see people who hesitated to speak, and finally seemed to be afraid of something and did not dare to speak.

Ge Lao's heart kept sinking and sinking. He didn't want anything to happen to Jiangnan, and he went to the temple to pray before setting off, praying that everything would be smooth sailing and that no accidents would happen.

But now, the answer is basically in front of us.

There are no beggars in the city, making it look very prosperous. The people in the city do not want to mention whether there is a village around. The hidden secret is nothing more than a flood, and the village was submerged. The beggars are probably the remnants of the village. The refugees were all dealt with secretly.

The beggar was not dealt with before, just because the beggar was not a refugee.

Mr. Ge was originally a member of the officialdom. When many things were connected, he basically understood everything. He knew that the protection of officials and officials in the south of the Yangtze River was not a fiction. The flood happened, but it was concealed.

The emperor sits on the dragon chair in the palace, but knows the affairs of the world. This is the difference between the emperor and ordinary people.

Once the emperor cannot get news from all over the world, and the flood incident in the south of the Yangtze River is really covered up, what is the next step?

Ge Lao felt that the flood in the south of the Yangtze River was more like a test, a test of the ability of the emperor who sat Gao Si.

In fact, this son of heaven did not come from the orthodox throne, he was the prince who was sent out back then, so many people were not convinced and did not want to regard him as the emperor.

I don't know which prince is standing behind the officials in the Jiangnan area.

Things that Ge Lao can understand, Xiao Taotie also understood the deep meaning after receiving the letter from Ge Lao that concealed something.

Floods are bound to exist.

A flood floods a being.

For these officials in Jiangnan, it is worthwhile to use the life of a village to test the depth of the new emperor.

In fact, it also proved their confidence. They may think that even if they are found out, because there are more people involved, the new emperor will not punish them severely.

But they were obviously wrong.

Little Taotie came, the prince who was sent out of the palace because of smallpox, came to the south of the Yangtze River with his soldiers.

He came here without notifying anyone, just arrived suddenly, and then sent his soldiers to arrest him.

All officials, large and small, in Jiangnan were captured by Thunder.

The family members of the official who committed the crime have not taken it seriously at the moment, thinking that nothing will happen, they will be locked up for a few days at most, or their salary will be fined.

But when they learned that the officials were about to execute the death penalty at the gate of the city, everyone was stunned.

At this moment, it is too late to ask for forgiveness, or to clear up the relationship.

Xiao Taotie only punished the people involved, and the family members of those people did not punish them. Of course, some of them took action against the refugees, so let’s forget about it.

Jiangnan changed blood at the fastest speed.

In this move, the people behind the scenes were in a hurry and were almost exposed.

Fortunately, it was successfully concealed in the end.

Little Taotie only thought that the other party was ridiculous, that he could grab the throne in an open and honest manner, and use the lives of a whole village as a temptation, it was not helpful, extremely stupid!

Little Taotie brought the soldiers under his hands to join the old man and his grandson. The old man heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the new emperor and the soldiers behind him.

He was always worried that he and his grandson would be discovered by officials in Jiangnan, and then secretly killed.

After many days of exhaustion and fear, Elder Ge fell ill as soon as he returned to the imperial city.

(End of this chapter)

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