God of War, like all straight men, replied: "They all look good."

Now Xiao Taotie was really angry, and snorted: "You are just perfunctory! You didn't look carefully at all!"

God of War: "...I looked carefully."

"If you look carefully, why can't you tell which one is better?"

"It's all beautiful..."

"Hmph, you are just perfunctory!"

"They really look good, you look good in any of them!"

"I don't believe you read it carefully. If Feng Qi is here, she will definitely help me to see which one is the best!"

God of War: "..." In fact, she was knocking on the door frantically outside, but I set up an enchantment, you just don't know.

"Anyway, if you want to prove that you read it carefully, you must choose the best-looking one among them!"

God of War: "...they are almost the same."

"You are still perfunctory!"

"I really didn't..."

The God of War has experienced a woman's "nonsense and obsession", but for some reason, she is happy because of it. Her angry and petite appearance is so lively and cute.

He felt a little itchy in his hands, and wanted to touch her puffy little face.

"Hurry up and choose!" Little Taotie pushed the wardrobe towards him with great strength, "Choose me the most beautiful one, I want to wear the most beautiful dress and go back to the Lion Clan."

She has become a beautiful woman, and she is no longer the child she was before. Such a good thing must be shared with her family.

She wants to show her older siblings, she is the most beautiful little beast!

In the past, the elder sisters of the Lion Clan said that her fur is white and fluffy, and that after becoming a woman, her skin must also be white and tender. Let them see, they are right, hehehe...

Little Taotie was very happy.

She hasn't returned to the Lion Clan for a long time. Before she left, she was the favorite of the Lion Clan. I don't know if everyone misses her after not going back for so long.

Hearing that she was going back to the Lion Clan, God of War's expression became serious.

There is one thing that he has been hiding from Xiao Taotie. Not long ago, the Lion Clan encountered trouble. A secret realm came to the Lion Clan territory. Someone spread a rumor that there was a treasure of heaven and earth in the secret realm, and after taking it, one could become a god in one step.

It sounds absurd, there is no treasure in this world to become a god in one step, but there are some who become gods in half a step and cannot become gods for a long time, take this as a life-saving straw, and believe it is true.

These half-stepped gods, Buxiu, actually joined forces to deal with the Lion Clan, because the Demon Clan invaded at this time, he had no time to clone, and did not take the Lion Clan into consideration. The Lion Clan elders froze the entire Lion Clan territory.

All Lion Clan members in the territory have become ice sculptures.

When it can be unsealed depends on what the elder thought when it was frozen. It is a few years, decades, or hundreds of years, it is impossible to say.

The elders of the Lion Clan use the treasure of the Lion Clan town as the source of the ice seal, so even the God of War cannot undo the ice seal.

After all, the Lion Clan is a race that was once selected to suppress ferocious beasts, so there is something about it.

Little Taotie felt that something was wrong with the God of War, and he couldn't help but panic, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the sleeve of God of War, "Did something happen?"

In fact, she should have thought a long time ago that the family members have not sent her a message for so long.

In the past, she thought it was because the family didn't want to disturb her.

Not so now.

Something must have happened!
"I want to go back to the Lion Clan!" Little Taotie no longer had the patience to wait for God of War's answer, but wanted to see what happened to the Lion Clan for himself!

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