Chapter 146 Seems to See Wraiths
"You're still thinking about what they are doing!" Tao Shen was suddenly very excited.

Tao Mo bumped him with his elbow and lowered his voice: "You scared my grandson!"

Tao Shen calmed down and looked at his younger sister's expression. Sure enough, the younger sister pursed her lips tightly and hid behind Hua Jinyan.

From the little Taotie's perspective, at that moment just now, a black-gray mist appeared on Brother Shen's body, like a wraith.

But Brother Shen is obviously a living person, how could he be like a wraith?

She rubbed her eyes and looked again, the black-gray mist on his body seemed to disappear.

She leaned against Hua Jinyan and muttered: "Did you see, there is so much resentment."

Hua Jinyan frowned slightly: "Did you see the resentment?"

"He is like a wraith, don't you see it, am I wrong?"

"Maybe it's not that you read it wrong, it's just that I haven't seen it yet."

The evil spirit chocolate he ate was not as much as the little glutton, and he could clearly feel that he was stronger than before, all due to the evil spirit chocolate.

Little Taotie ate so much, he should be much stronger than himself, and it is not surprising that he can see what he can't see.

Hua Jinyan squinted his eyes and looked at Tao Shen. In fact, he felt that this person was a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was weird.

Tao Shen was afraid of scaring his younger sister, so he quickly squatted down and approached slowly, "It's my brother who is wrong, brother shouldn't yell suddenly, brother is also worried about you, your younger brother and sister are not good to you, brother is afraid that you really made a mistake, hurt by them."

In her previous life, my younger sister was the money-making machine and cash cow of the family in the mountains.

They don't care how the black-hearted company treats their sister, as long as the black-hearted company sends money on time, they don't care about their sister's situation.

My younger sister's younger siblings eat high-end food, live in high-end apartments, and go to private elementary schools with expensive tuition fees. They can travel abroad every winter and summer vacation, wear famous brands, and spend money like water. Everyone in the school thinks that the two of them are rich. The second generation didn't know that they were actually sucking Tao Ti's blood.

They had never cared about this elder sister. Later, Tao Ti had an accident. When they arrived at the scene, they were not thinking about the funeral, but about her bank card and her jewelry.

Very chilling.

He later inquired that no matter how busy Tao Ti was, she would care about her younger siblings' studies, and would give them gifts every time she went home, and would try her best to fulfill whatever requests the younger siblings had. She was a good sister who treated each other sincerely.

Unfortunately, I really missed the payment.

No one collected her body, and all they thought was that it was a good thing that she died. Her money, jewelry, and house had all become inheritances, and they could all share.

In this life, Tao Shen didn't want his younger sister to repeat the same mistakes, so he sincerely fed the white-eyed wolf.

Tao Ti looked at the little flower on his head, knowing that Brother Shen really cared about him, and explained in a childlike voice: "The younger brothers and sisters are bad children, but they are grandchildren of grandpa, and they are also my younger brothers and sisters. Grandpa said no Let them starve to death, I can't let them starve to death, I have promised grandpa."

"Just don't let them starve to death?" Tao Shen asked softly, narrowing his eyes slightly, a cold and dark color flashed away in his eyes.

"Grandpa said, if they still treat me like before and call me a bastard, I can make them hungry!"

Little Taotie snorted and said, "My younger sister is a greedy cat, she is most afraid of going hungry, so she will definitely not dare to call me a bastard again."

Tao Shen looked at the innocent and silly younger sister, and sighed inwardly.

Forget it, you can't teach her to be a villain.

It's a big deal, I'll work harder in the back, if the two younger ones dare to disrespect her, they will have a big appetite, hehe...

Then don't blame him for being cruel.

Even if they are just innocent children in this life, he will not be soft.

(End of this chapter)

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