Chapter 1478

Chen Zi couldn't believe it: "Phoenix Man? Then why didn't you drive him away?"

"It's too late. His mother was originally an only child. After giving birth, she took care of the child at home and seldom went to the company. Although her father was a little wary of him, but after all, he was getting older and his health was getting worse and worse. But he was gone. Later, after his father-in-law passed away, Phoenix Man successfully got all the shares in the company."

"All?" Chen Zi couldn't understand.

It stands to reason that after the old man dies, part of the inheritance will be left to his biological daughter and grandchildren, and it is impossible not to give shares to the company.

If they have shares in the company, how can they leave their homes and end up in such a miserable situation as a delivery man?

Cheng Guodong sighed: "I couldn't understand it at first, but later I sent people to investigate, and learned that he sent people to make a false impression that the company was about to go bankrupt, and told his wife to sell the shares early to cash out and get some money. If it is later, the shares will evaporate and nothing can be obtained. His wife is naive, and because she trusts him too much, she sells the shares at a low price. Because the two children are still underage, all are handled by the guardians, and the shares are also sold."

"What about the money from the sale of the shares? You won't be cheated by that man, will you?"

Cheng Guodong sighed again.

Cheng Guodong didn't continue, but this sigh was enough to answer Chen Zi's question.

Chen Zi understood and sighed.

Perhaps the sigh was too silent, waking up the sleeping man, who stood up abruptly, turned around, and shouted respectfully: "Cheng Dong!"

The voice is full of spirit!

Just like when I was robbed of takeaway, I shouted "takeaway"!
Chen Zi was surprised and said, "Brother takeaway?"

The takeaway boy blushed and scratched his head: "Brother Chen Zi!"

"It's really you?" Chen Zi still couldn't believe it.

He didn't expect that the funny takeaway boy at that time would become the assistant Cheng Dong hired.

"If you know each other, I won't introduce much." Cheng Guodong smiled and said, "Chen Zi, what do you think of this man? If you think it's OK, let him follow you tomorrow."

How could it be not OK? Chen Zi appreciates this person's character very much.

Coupled with the tragic experience of the takeaway boy, Chen Zi really wanted to help him, at least not to let that phoenix boy run free.

"Very good." Chen Zi nodded.

Cheng Dong laughed and said: "Xiao Chen, you will follow Chen Zi from now on. If you behave well, maybe Chen Zi can accept you as his apprentice, and you will have a bright future in the future."

Xiao Chen's eyes were shining, and he smiled a little naively.

Chen Zi raised his eyebrows: "Xiao Chen?"

The takeaway boy blushed: "Brother Chen Zi and I belong to the same family, and my surname is also Chen."

Chen Zi frowned.

That Phoenix man's surname is Chen?
What an insult to my last name!

Seeing Chen Zi frowning, the delivery boy became a little nervous, "Brother Chen Zi, did I say something wrong?"

Chen Zi asked, "Your father's last name?"

Xiao Chen shook his head: "That man was considered a married man back then, so my sister and I took my mother's surname."

Hearing this, Chen Zi heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled: "My surname is Chen Hao, we are also destined, you follow me well, I will not treat you badly! As for the apprenticeship, it depends on your performance, if you can survive If the probationary period is successfully converted, I will accept you as an apprentice."

Xiao Chen was so happy that he couldn't speak, so he almost knelt down to Chen Zi.

Chen Zi was helpless: "This is not ancient times. Even if you really want to be a teacher, you don't need to kneel down. Just pour me a cup of tea."

(End of this chapter)

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