Chapter 148 Do not cooperate with foreigners

When Cheng Guodong first made his fortune, many foreigners also came to him, wanting to cooperate and import ingredients from him.

Of course, the price given is definitely more than that given by the Chinese.

But he was never moved.

Whether you say he is pedantic or treats money like dung, what he thought at the time was simple: Why should we import all the good ingredients to you, and our people are only worthy of eating the leftovers?

Could it be that Huaguo is a spare warehouse for foreigners? Why!
His resolute refusal caused those foreigners to be very upset, because he was a straightforward person who didn't know how to be tactful and offended those people. After this incident, those people caused him some trouble.

The merchants who had cooperated with him suddenly canceled their orders, so he could only watch those good fruits and vegetables rot.

Later, foreigners came to him again, with an extremely arrogant attitude, expressing the meaning behind the words, if you don’t sell things to us, you can’t sell them either.

Ordinary people would give in, but Cheng Guodong wanted to fight them to the end.

Although this incident is said to be a disaster, the ancients are right that good and bad always depend on each other.

He began to think about ways, thinking that fruits and vegetables must not be spoiled, and there is any way to preserve them so as not to create a situation of waste.

Later, he opened a fruit canning factory and a pickled cucumber factory.

He doesn't worry about the vegetables going bad, he can sell the canned food slowly.

This made those foreigners anxious. The reason why they can say that those merchants will not buy goods for the time being is because they buy goods from other places for these merchants, and they are posting money every day, and they can’t afford to lose money if they continue to consume.

Before the foreigner left, he even threatened Cheng Guodong, saying that he would go back to the headquarters and ask the headquarters to come up with countermeasures, and he would not let him go. As long as the headquarters ended, he would definitely die.

Cheng Guodong couldn't sit still and began to think about how to deal with the foreign headquarters.

Again, good fortune and misfortune always depend on each other.

Even if a person is in a desperate situation, it is impossible to be helpless.

There are always more ways than difficulties.

The government didn't know where they learned about his situation, so they approached him.

A special offer was signed on the spot.

In the future, his fresh vegetables and fruits will be sold. Even if foreigners come back and use the old tricks, it will no longer work. Will they have the ability to fight against the government?

With the support of the government, Cheng Guodong disdain to cooperate with foreigners even more.

In addition, he has also heard of many incidents of cooperating with foreigners, and finally being gnawed by the capital predators without leaving any scum.

For example, a certain restaurant was already a leader in the industry, and it is making money every day.

Foreigners come to cooperate and go public.

As soon as it went public, the nightmare came.

Being short-sold by foreigners, being tricked into selling shares, and finally being the founder and the big boss, with no shares left in his hands, the whole company has nothing to do with him!
"I will never work with foreigners in my life."

Hearing this, Qin Xin had a half-smile, "It doesn't have to be so absolute."

"What do you mean?"

"Foreigners lie to us for money, so can't we make money from them? Don't forget, I'm a goldsmith from abroad, and I specialize in making money from foreigners."

"You are indeed very powerful. Aren't you afraid that foreign governments will trouble you?"

"Someone troubles me, but it's not a foreign government. They won't come forward. It's the local local snakes who will trouble me, but I'm not afraid. Local snakes usually have deadly enemies. I find their deadly enemies and use their conflicts to stir them up. They killed each other, and in the end both of them were wiped out." When talking about all this, Qin Xin smiled the whole time, like an outsider.

"Very dangerous."

"It's dangerous, but you can't back down."

(End of this chapter)

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