"What are the same hobbies?" Gu Yixing was also at home today, ran over to take the bag from his sister, and handed her a pair of soft and fluffy slippers.

Little Taotie blushed, took the slippers, and said in a childish voice, "Thank you, third brother!"

Gu Yixing patted Xiao Taotie's head: "You're so good!"

He is very warm in his heart, and has already integrated into this family. Before he came home late, it was Xiao Taotie who handed him slippers. Gradually, they became like close family members.

He will also subconsciously and habitually hand over a pair of slippers, so that the family members who have been working outside for a day can come back with wide feet.

He never thought before that one day, he would also serve tea and slippers to others. He thought it was humiliating and something he had to put down his face to do, but now he felt that it was habitual and natural. Yes, it's as sweet as it is.

Little Taotie washed his hands, wiped his face, sat on the sofa, took a cup of hot milk brought by the nanny and said while drinking: "Today I met my new colleague, Brother Chen, and tonight we will celebrate Brother Chen On the first day of work, we went to the restaurant for dinner, and Brother Chen’s younger sister also came, her name is Chen Huhu, no, it’s Chen Yue.”

"Hee hee!" Little Taotie stuck out her tongue embarrassingly: "She asked me to call her sister Tiger. Tiger is her nickname. She is amazing. Her dream is to become a world champion. She is very good at track and field sports. I She and she both like sports, martial arts, and delicious food, and she has a good appetite. She is the most edible sister I have ever seen. Although sister Yuanyuan is also good at eating, sister Yuanyuan just keeps talking. All she eats is small snacks, but she is really cooking!"

Little Taotie gestured to a large bowl, "Such a big bowl, braised pork mixed with white rice, I feel a little tired, but sister Tiger killed three big bowls!"

Although Xiao Taotie is very edible, but the little girl's appetite has been spoiled, like braised pork and big fat meat bibimbap, she can't eat much, it's too greasy, it's not tasty.

"Braised pork with rice? Such a big bowl? This is no longer a bowl, it's a fish tank!" Gu Yixing admired: "It seems that our precious sister has really met a strong enemy!"

Little Taotie blushed: "I can't compare to Big Sister Tiger, I feel a little tired, I didn't eat as much as three bowls, I ate something else."

When Cheng Guodong recruited Xiao Chen, he knew about Xiao Chen's family situation. He knew that Xiao Chen's younger sister is a tomboy who loves sports. Exercising consumes calories and increases his appetite. It is not surprising that he likes high-calorie foods.

"It seems that my sister likes this tiger sister very much?" Cheng Guodong handed her a peeled apple, "Next time you can invite me to your house as a guest."

"Is it possible?" Little Taotie's eyes sparkled.

Cheng Guodong smiled gently: "Of course."

Little Taotie thought of something, sighed melancholy, and frowned, like a sentimental little old lady.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Guodong asked suspiciously.

Little Taotie took a bite of the apple, the sweet apple was a bit delicious, she quickly ate it, and said: "Sister Tiger's father is good or bad, he is simply a big villain!"

Cheng Guodong handed her another piece of apple, Xiao Taotie took it, and took a bite, "Hmph! It's too bad to have lied to Sister Tiger's property!"

Gu Yixing became interested and asked curiously: "What's the situation? Tell me!"

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