Chapter 1489 Nutritious and Balanced

The next morning, Xiaoping rubbed his eyes, stretched his waist and got up, yawned a lot, and opened the curtains. The sunlight outside the window was a bit dazzling, but the sky was blue and the clouds were white. It was a sunny day. The sun is beautiful and reveals a big smile in the direction of the sun.

Put on the sportswear, stand in front of the mirror and cheer yourself up in the mirror: "Chen Huo, you have to train hard, strive for the opportunity to win glory for the country, become the world champion, and you can hire the best psychologist for your mother." Treating illnesses is no longer your brother's burden..."

"I can do it!"

She started her morning warm-up.

The moment she lowered her head, she didn't realize that she had a smile on her face. It was a triumphant smile that bewitched people's hearts and achieved results.

After school, Chen Huhu went out of school with his schoolbag on his back, and saw a familiar nanny car.

She ran over, the car window was down, she saw her elder brother, and shouted: "Brother!"

Xiao Chen said unhappily: "You are just my big brother, just call me big brother, don't always call me big brother, if you don't know, you might think I'm the head of a hooligan!"

To be honest, Sister Woxin's crew-cut hairstyle, coupled with her thin face, makes her look like a gangster in society.

Sometimes when the brother and sister were walking outside, Xiao Pingtou suddenly called out "Big Brother", and people around him would look at him with weird eyes, making him look like a rogue big brother.

In the past, my sister used to call herself "Brother" sweetly, but since she cut her hair short, the address has changed to "Big Brother", and I can't change it!

He really missed his sister's soft "brother"!
Chen Huhu touched his crew cut hair, smiled brightly, and bared his small white teeth: "I just like to call you big brother!"

Xiao Chen pouted: "It makes you seem like you have other brothers and sisters. I am the boss, and I have the second and third."

Chen Yue lowered her eyes, and the muddy lake water was churning under those glazed eyes, "Isn't that right, there are two older sisters."

"What did you say?"

Xiaoping raised his head, blinked, his eyes were blank and innocent, "Brother, what are you yelling at?"

Xiao Chen frowned: "You were mumbling just now, were you scolding me?"

Chen Huo felt that he had been wronged, and said depressedly: "Am I the kind of person who can swear in a low voice? I, Chen Huo, always swear when I swear, okay?"

Xiao Chen's face was full of black lines: "I still want to praise you? It's worthy of praise for swearing?"

Chen Huhu smirked foolishly: "Not really, no need to boast, I'm just a straightforward person, I don't like to scold people secretly."

Xiao Chen gave the bad sister a big roll of eyes, "Hurry up and get in the car!"

Chen Huhu got into the car and saw Little Taotie and Chen Zi, Little Taotie rushed over happily and was hugged by Chen Huhu.

Little Taotie looked up at the white lotus flower on Chen Huhu's head, and laughed: "Sister Tiger, we meet again!"

Chen Huhu hugged his fragrant little sister tightly, and said with a smile: "Meet you again, I want to see you every day! There is a delicious Malatang near our school, I will take you to eat it! Brother, turn left and turn in front mouth!"

"What kind of spicy soup are you eating? How can you feed children that kind of unhealthy, heavy oil and spicy food!" Xiao Chen roared: "You also give me less food, don't always eat such unhealthy things!"

Chen Hu retorted: "Where is it unhealthy? There are vegetarian, meat, carbohydrates, soy products and eggs, and the nutrition is balanced. Don't be too delicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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