Chapter 1491 Be filial and filial to you

The woman's eyes were full of doubts.

Chen Yue laughed, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "Do you want to know what he was reported to?"

The woman nodded subconsciously: "You know?"

Chen Yue laughed happily, and leaned into her ear and whispered: "Of course I know, because I am the whistleblower."

The woman covered her mouth in surprise: "You?"

Chen Yue laughed playfully: "He has played tricks on me, do you think I should report him?"

"My Mala Tang is ready, bye, sister, in the future, you must find out the past of the person you are dating."

Seeing the back of the "little handsome guy" running away, the woman couldn't recover for a long time.

When she regained her senses, she immediately called her mother and wailed loudly: "Mom, what's the matter with you, that man is a crook! I was thinking, why are you still not married at such an age? It turns out that there is something wrong with your orientation! I was almost cheated, she must be old, trying to trick someone into having a child, it disgusts me to death!"

Chen Yue got into the car, put down Malatang, and said with a smile: "I want to go to the bathroom, wait until I come back."

She put down her things and left again, in a hurry, Xiao Chen murmured, "Every time I was in a hurry, I went to the bathroom, and I said it several times, but I didn't change it!"

Little Taotie tilted his head and looked at Sister Tiger who was leaving, feeling extremely puzzled: Why did the white lotus flower on Sister Tiger's head change color?

The lotus, which was originally as white as snow, seems to have been soaked in ink, and it is as black as ink.


The head teacher ran to the men's restroom in the shopping mall. Since he was injured in the restroom, he had psychological problems. Once he saw that person, he would subconsciously feel pain all over his body. The most painful part was the place where she had been seriously injured.

He ducked into the toilet, took a deep breath, and calmed himself down.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the toilet door.

He thought it was full, and someone was urging him, so he could only shout: "Wait a minute, wait a little longer."

There was a burst of laughter outside: "Long time no see, my dear head teacher."

Like the devil's laughter, the class teacher's whole body shivered, and the whole body trembled subconsciously, and the pain in the whole body doubled, especially the parts that had been seriously injured by her, such as the head, neck, and lower body, were extremely painful.

It's her, the devil!

He didn't even dare to breathe, something flowed down from his trousers, he looked down and found himself incontinent!
"Teacher, the game of peek-a-boo is over, I found you, come out quickly."

"If I don't come out, I'm going to be angry."

"What happens when I get angry—"

The door was pushed open abruptly, and he came out in a panic, with obvious wet spots on his flaxen suit pants.

"Ah!" Chen Yue covered her nose with a look of disgust: "Teacher, how old are you, why are you still peeing your pants?"

Why are you peeing your pants?
Not being frightened by this terrible devil!

Ever since he was seriously injured by her, he hasn't gone to the bathroom standing up like a normal man!

Taking a deep breath, the head teacher said hoarsely, "What are you going to do to let me go? I'm no longer a teacher, I've already been punished, isn't that enough!"

He can't live like a normal man, he can't even have a baby!

Isn't that enough!

"Teacher, you look like a big villain with such an angry and wronged expression!" Chen Yue stroked her crew cut hair and said with an evil smile: "Although I look like a little gangster now, I have never been one who actively seeks trouble. people."

"I, it's just that I haven't seen the teacher for a long time, and I want to catch up on the old days."

"Isn't the teacher happy to see me? You used to like me very much. You liked me so much that you wanted to do something with me."

"Ah!" The class teacher yelled: "Don't mention it, don't mention it, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, I shouldn't have done that, I really shouldn't..."

"Hey, it's boring to admit mistakes so quickly." Chen Yue played with the nail clippers and said with a smile: "Teacher, let me cut your nails. I will be a teacher for a day and a father for the rest of my life. I will be filial to you!"

"Don't come over, don't come over—"


Chen Yue walked out of the men's bathroom, threw a bloody nail clippers into the trash can in the shopping mall, and passed by a store with pink lace dresses in the window, she closed her eyes, opened them again, and the glazed eyes Clear as water.

(End of this chapter)

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