Chapter 1496 Three Personalities and Three Colors
Seeing Xiao Taotie's dejected appearance, A Piao sister felt quite helpless, this was something she didn't want to see, but she couldn't deceive Xiao Taotie.

Little Taotie looked up at Feng Qi, at this time she was still somewhat dependent on Feng Qi, although Feng Qi always teased and quarreled with her, but beside her she was more like a teacher, always teaching little Taotie a lot of things.

Facing the eyes of the little Taotie asking for help, Feng Qi flicked her big tail, her ears drooped down to cover her two fox eyes, "Don't look at me, this is a human disease, not caused by evil spirits, There is nothing I can do about the evil spirit possessing me."

Little Taotie lowered his head in disappointment, sighed softly, looking sad like a little old lady.

One of Feng Qi's ears perked up slightly, and she squinted her eyes to look over, just in time to see Little Taotie's wrinkled face like a little old lady, Feng Qi's ears were all perked up in an instant, and said angrily: "It's okay. It’s not that there is no way at all, although it is not a matter of Taoism, but human diseases are naturally healed by human doctors. If you are sick, go to the doctor.”

Little Taotie was stunned for a moment, his wrinkled face gradually stretched out, his originally dim eyes became bright again, like stars appearing again in the dark night covered by dark clouds, extraordinarily dazzling.

Feng Qi was happy to see her so easily, and wanted to hit her hard, telling her that this disease is incurable, and if it is cured, your tiger sister will disappear, but when she met Xiao Taotie's bright eyes , Feng Qi rolled his tongue and chose not to speak.

It's rare that her eyes are so bright, she looks so cute, she's much prettier than the old lady just now, so don't let her eyes down, just leave it at that, don't bully her.

Little Taotie naturally didn't know Feng Qi's mental journey, and he didn't know that he was about to be teased by Feng Qi again and groaned and sulked.

"I want to tell Brother Xiao Chen to ask Brother Chen to take Sister Tiger to treat her illness. This kind of disease cannot be delayed, and it must be treated!" Little Taotie was about to call Xiao Chen, but he hesitated for a while, " Will brother Chen think I'm talking nonsense?"

Although Brother Xiao Chen always scolds Sister Tiger and looks like he dislikes Sister Tiger, she can see that Brother Xiao Chen and Sister Tiger have a very good relationship. Will not believe it, will not feel that I am talking nonsense.

Feng Qi flicked her big tail, and said lazily: "I advise you not to say it first, impulsiveness is not a good thing, think it through before making this call. If he asks you, how do you know, how should you answer?"

Little Taotie looked at Sister A Piao and frowned. It couldn't be said that Sister A Piao found out about it when she entered the dream.

Obviously, if he said this, not only would Brother Chen not believe that Sister Tiger was sick, but he would think that he was the one who was sick.

Seeing that her bright star eyes were covered by dark clouds again, Feng Qi curled her mouth as a fox, and said angrily: "Haven't you read a lot of detective novels, why are you still so stupid! Talking with evidence is effective!"

"Evidence?" Little Taotie blinked, his eyes lit up, "I have a way, I'll take a sneak shot of Sister Tiger first, sum up some things that are wrong, and then let Brother Chen see, Brother Chen will believe it! The picture on Sister Tiger's head The lotus will turn into three colors, one pink, one black, and one white, which I think probably represent the three personalities of Tiger Sister."

(End of this chapter)

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