Chapter 1506
Chen Yue noticed the little thing's gaze, and glanced up, feeling a little liking for this soft little thing in her heart, but on the face, she averted her eyes lightly, and didn't look again.

Little Taotie blinked and saw that black lotus flower in full bloom, the petals were swaying just now.

Chen Yue yawned, Xiao Chen asked concerned: "Are you sleepy?"

Chen Yue nodded.

Chen Zi frowned slightly, always felt that something was wrong with Chen Yue now, she was different from the mindless old man just now, there was something in her eyes, she wasn't so stupid anymore.

Chen Zi waved his hand: "You and your sister go back first."

Xiao Chen said gratefully, "Thank you, Master."

Chen Yue heard it, raised her eyes slightly, and said nothing.

When Xiao Chen and Chen Yue left the hotel, Chen Yue asked, "Didn't you be accepted as a disciple after you became a regular?"

Xiao Chen smiled happily: "I have made meritorious service today, so Master is willing to accept me as an apprentice."

"Successful?" Chen Yue became curious.

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment, but still said, "I heard the manager of the man in the ad called and asked someone to send an announcement, in order to make people misunderstand that the man in the ad will become Xiao Taotie's fourth brother."

"The fourth brother?" Chen Yue didn't know anything about the entertainment industry.

Xiao Chen patiently explained: "Little Taotie saved Dong Cheng when he participated in a variety show, so he was adopted by Dong Cheng. Dong Cheng became her eldest brother, and later helped her second brother. I don't know exactly what happened. Let’s talk about the third one, the third brother is Gu Yixing, the top streamer in traffic, you know Gu Yixing, right?”

Even if she doesn't care much about the entertainment industry, Chen Yue still knows the character Gu Yixing. After all, there are even boys in the school who are chasing stars, and the one chasing after him is Gu Dingliu, because he has filmed many dramas with great acting skills .

"Yes, you continue."

"You know, I can continue talking. Xiao Taotie and Gu Yixing collaborated in a drama. In the drama, they played the roles of a pair of brother and sister. At that time, everyone thought that they were very suitable to be brother and sister, and rumors spread. It is said that Cheng Dong and the investment genius will accept this third brother, and Gu Yixing will become Xiao Taotie's third brother, but there are also different voices saying that the two big brothers don't like an actor, after all, Gu Yixing's identity is still Can't climb up to those two big brothers, let alone be qualified to be the third brother of Little Taotie."

"What happened later?" Chen Yue raised her eyebrows slightly, and she already had the answer in her heart, because at this moment Gu Yixing was Xiao Taotie's third brother, the third brother of those two big brothers.

Xiao Chen smiled and said: "You also know that Gu Yixing is Xiao Taotie's third brother, and he has successfully moved into the villa and lived with them. At the same time, Gu Yixing's identity other than a star has also been exposed, such as the behind-the-scenes boss of a film and television company, For example, he invested in a lot of popular works and made a lot of money, such as opening a film and television academy, and so on. Some people even rumored that he had an unusual identity and was a son of a wealthy family, but he hadn't found out which noble son he was. "

"Oh, oh, what does this have to do with the man in the ad?"

"Don't you understand? After the rumor that Gu Yixing was going to be Xiao Taotie's third brother came out, Gu Yixing was on the trending searches, and now the advertising man wanted to be on the trending list, and at that time Gu Yixing had indeed become Xiao Taotie's third brother, Therefore, many people may think highly of this male protagonist of the advertisement, and some do not know the truth of the matter. Investors who want to invest first may give him the opportunity to shoot the leading actor, or let him become the spokesperson. This is also a means of building relationships, etc. After the matter was clarified, he was not Xiao Taotie's fourth brother, and it was already too late, the resources had already been obtained, the money was earned, and both fame and fortune would be reaped."

Hearing this, Chen Yue frowned displeasedly: "This is sucking the blood of little Taotie!"

(End of this chapter)

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