The real daughter, Xiaotaotie, became popular in the entertainment industry

Chapter 152 The Little Fierce Beast of the Lion Clan

Chapter 152 The Little Fierce Beast of the Lion Clan
Seeing that Xiao Taotie finished her studies, Liu Mingzhu couldn't wait to meet her. She cleared her throat and introduced herself, "I am Tao Shen's mother, and I am also your mother fan! You can call me mom from now on. Don't get me wrong, I am a mother fan." mother!"

"But..." Tao Ti lowered her head and did not agree.

She was afraid that if her mother knew that she called someone else's mother, her mother would beat her again.

" call me Mingzhu's mother? Didn't you also call the female guest Cheng's mother on the show?"

This time Tao Ti nodded and opened her mouth: "Mingzhu..."

But when the last two words came to his lips, he couldn't say them for some reason.

Obviously, it went well when I called Cheng's mother before, but when I was in front of this person, I felt so uncomfortable that I couldn't call out.

Seeing that the little girl was about to cry in embarrassment, Liu Mingzhu hugged her distressedly, "Then you can call me Auntie Mingzhu, okay?"

Tao Ti nodded, and called weakly: "Mingzhu... Auntie."

"Alas!" Liu Mingzhu felt sore in her heart, the corners of her eyes were red, and her hands trembled slightly.

She took a deep breath, calmed down, smiled, held the little girl's fleshy hand, and said softly, "Go, I'll show you your room!"

The door is pink, and there are various beautiful stickers on it. There are cartoon patterns of kittens and puppies on the stickers, and there is white lace bordering the door.

The door opened, revealing a dream room.

Tao Ti stood at the door, her eyes reflected the bright lights in the room, her small mouth was slightly opened, full of amazement.

A dreamcatcher with various feathers hung on the roof, a string of crystal beads by the door, and a paper crane at the end of the beads, and a big bear on the ground, which could make little Tao Ti roll on it.

Next to the bear is a hanging basket, which is covered with a small pink blanket, and there is a small bell hanging on the side of the hanging basket. If you sit on it and swing it like a swing, the bell will ring.

There are many decorations on the beautiful dressing cabinet. There are a group of naive little cats, stupid puppies lying down, lying on their stomachs, or sticking out their tongues and laughing foolishly. There are also many small doll decorations. They are all beautiful.

Standing in front of the table, Tao Ti couldn't even look at it. She couldn't even count how many small decorations there are, all of them are so cute that you can't take your eyes off them.

"Look up."

There is a gentle and pampering voice next to my ears, it is very pleasant to hear, and it is softer than that of the lion mother in the dream.

Tao Ti raised her head to look at the ceiling, and was stunned for a moment.

On the ceiling is a sky full of stars illuminated by lights, and the stars will be connected together to form graphics and move!

"This is the constellation Leo." Liu Mingzhu pointed to a figure connected by many stars and said, "Little Taotie is the baby of the constellation Leo!"


"There are a total of twelve zodiac signs, corresponding to the date of birth, and everyone's zodiac sign is determined by their birthday."

Tao Ti made an "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Liu Mingzhu was petrified by her small appearance, her eyes became more gentle and doting, she knelt down to look at her, and said, "Yes, a lion of the lion clan."

"Great! I'm a little beast of the Lion Clan, so I'm a Leo!"

"My little lion!" Liu Mingzhu gently hugged her.

Little Taotie shook his head and corrected, "It's a little beast of the lion clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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