Chapter 1521 Suspected fellow

All eyes were on the man in black.

The man in black frowned tightly, and looked fiercely at the woman blocking the way, but his sunglasses were too dark, so he stared at the sunglasses, and the actor of the second sister didn't feel his fierce gaze at all.

"Take off your mask and sunglasses!" Someone echoed.

There are many people who agree, and some martial arts actors are already going to do it.

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable to him, the man in black had no choice but to compromise. He took off his sunglasses first, and looked through the crowd with a pair of dark eyes to the traffic niche who was hiding in the crowd and finally tried to stay out of it.

While taking off his mask, he shouted: "Junior brother, why are you hiding so far away, didn't you bring me to meet Little Taotie?"

Swipe, swipe, several pairs of eyes looked over!

The actor of the third sister knew the traffic niche, she was very close to the traffic niche, and she greeted the traffic niche just now, and now when she heard that the traffic niche brought her, she immediately turned pale, "You brought it? What are you doing?" To be able to bring strangers to see Xiao Taotie, Xiao Taotie is only seven years old, what if he is frightened, this person does not look like a good person!"

The traffic niche feels that he has been wronged extremely, did he want to bring it, he was threatened!

This actress might be his co-star in his next work, and he didn't want to offend, so his tone was very gentle: "I'm sorry, brother and I met on the road, and brother wanted to get to know Xiao Taotie, so I didn't think much about it, just I brought it along by the way, I think Little Taotie is not afraid of strangers, and although the senior brother is a bit pissed off, he is still a good person."

"I recognized it! It's the actor who was caught raped!" A staff member suddenly pointed at the man in black and shouted.

Everyone followed the staff's fingers and looked at the man who took off his sunglasses and mask.

This face is a bit haggard, with stubble. At first glance, it really doesn't look like a good person, like a hooligan. It is indeed the kind of villain who will scare children.

"Looking at it carefully, it does look alike."

"It's him, I can tell, it's the guy who hugged the rich woman's thigh and patted the male lead, but was taken off the shelf because he was caught raping him!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect that a popular niche student would know this kind of person. As the saying goes, people of the same way get closer. Could it be..."

"It's very possible, you look at the traffic boy who is fair and beautiful, maybe there are many sisters supporting him!"

"Look at him, he has become famous in a short period of time. If you say that no one is behind him, who will believe him?"

"Maybe it was introduced to him by the person who was caught raped. Isn't he called Senior Brother Fang? Isn't it normal for Senior Brother to introduce him to contacts?"

Hearing the staff talking wantonly without lowering their voices, the faces of the two brothers and sisters became very dark.

The flow niche lowered his head to calm himself down, then raised his head, using his lifelong acting skills: "What are you talking about? My senior brother was arrested as an adulterer? Is there some misunderstanding here? My senior brother has a girlfriend. They have a very good relationship."

The brother said coldly: "This is all a misunderstanding, you are all people in the circle, don't you know whether the things here are white or black, and you can't believe those false reports if you don't see it with your own eyes! I was wronged, yes Fuck me!"

The second sister's actor frowned and looked at him, ruthlessly exposing: "I don't even know you, I think you are unknown, and you are not famous, which opponent will take pains to deal with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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