Chapter 1527 This role setting
The director told Chen Zi the content of the revised script, and told Chen Zi that the screenwriter insisted on adding the role of Tong Yangfu.

The general content of the plot is that the heroine's sister rescued a little boy on the mountain. The little boy is very thin and looks about the same age as the heroine's sister, but in fact he is three years older than the heroine's little sister.

The boy was the child of a general, but the general was framed by someone sent by the emperor, who ransacked his entire family. The boy changed his identity with the servant around him, and the servant died for him.

According to the boy's origin, he returned to the boy's hometown and obtained the identity of the boy.

Xiaosi's father sold the children back then for the cost of doing business, and promised Xiaosi's mother that as long as he made money, he would redeem the children. Who knew that Xiaosi's father really became a rich man later, but he didn't I would like to redeem the children. Firstly, I didn’t ask where the children would be sold when I sold them. It was too troublesome to find them. Second, I felt that the children were sold, and they were already old when they were bought back. If they are not familiar with each other, maybe they will feel resentful towards their father who once sold them. Isn't this the same as buying back a white-eyed wolf.

The second concern was entirely because of the pillow wind blown by his concubine.

After he had money, he said that drinking ruined the innocence of his business partner's daughter, so he could only take her home, otherwise he would be accused of going to the government office, so his wife could only agree with tears.

The concubine gave him a fat boy, and now that he has a new child, he naturally doesn't want to spend money to buy back those children who may become white-eyed wolves.

The boy's mother had a quarrel, and later stole a sum of money from the family and went out to find the child, and then disappeared. Some people said that he was secretly kidnapped and sold by the concubine, and some said that he was bought and murdered by the concubine...

Anyway, when he returned to that home with the identity of a servant, there was no place for him to stay, but he had to settle for this identity, so he had no choice but to hang on.

After all, the rich man softened his heart and took him in. But the rich man is usually busy with business, and sometimes he will not come back after going out for a month or two. The concubine picked the master to treat him harshly when he was away on business, starving him. , Send someone to open the window and open the door at night to let him catch the cold. It would be better if he died of the cold, so that no one would rob her son of property.

He is a fate and has always been alive.

Even a death situation like copying and chopping all over the door can be escaped, not to mention a mere small trick.

But he was still thin and small because of the three years of harsh treatment, and he looked three years younger than ordinary children.

In fact, he can completely change this situation, but he needs to impress the people around him, and also needs to go hungry to make himself look thin, so as not to be associated with the young master of the general's mansion with a thick head and a brain, and a talent for martial arts.

It took him three years to make an impression on him.

In the impression of the neighbors, he is a poor child who has been abused by his stepmother, thin and short.

He avoided the concubine's tricks, but he didn't expect that he would suffer a big loss at the hands of the businessman in the end.

He thought that he was perfectly disguised as a servant, but once the businessman traveled far away, he heard some rumors and thought of something.

The businessman sent someone to burn him, and then pretended that his loving father wanted to give him medicine, but the purpose was to see the birthmark on his shoulder.

He didn't know that the boy had a birthmark on his shoulder, and he didn't make enough disguise, so he was exposed on the spot.

The businessman was afraid of getting into trouble, so he didn't dare to kill him on the spot. He could only pretend to take him to the temple to pray to the gods and worship Buddha, hoping that his mother would come back soon, but in fact he wanted to kill him halfway.

(End of this chapter)

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