Chapter 1540 Milky Corn Juice

Little Taotie's eyeballs are round and full of unbelievable light.

A pair of talking eyes seem to say: how do you know!impossible!
Facing her bright eyes, Hua Jinyan raised his eyebrows slightly, and pursed his lips: "It seems that I guessed right."

"No!" Little Taotie waved his hands vigorously.

Accidentally opened his mouth, exposing the missing tooth.

Little Taotie's eyes widened, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he immediately covered his mouth, his little white hands were dimpled, looking soft.

Hua Jinyan couldn't hold it back, and moved his fingers that were about to move, and stretched out his hand to poke the fleshy dimple on the back of her hand, as if touching soft cotton candy.

Little Taotie glared at him angrily.

Hua Jinyan withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

Little Taotie stared at him, waiting for him to explain why he poked the back of her hand.

After receiving Hua Jinyan, he seemed to be dumb, and he didn't speak.

Little Taotie yelled angrily: "Put out your search!" (hand)
"Search? Search for what?" Hua Jinyan didn't hear clearly for a while.

Little Taotie was so annoyed that she covered her mouth, now she just wanted to be a little mute.

The five big brothers watched silently, feeling like they were suddenly excluded and unable to blend in.

Gu Yixing: "This kid!"

Qin Xin smiled and said, "It's time for him to lose some teeth."

Cheng Guodong: "They're still young, please be more tolerant."

Tao Bin leaned into his elder brother Tao Shen's ear: "Hua Jinyan, this kid has changed a lot. He used to be unable to speak on the mountain."

Tao Shen frowned slightly, but soon smiled in relief.

In this life, many things have changed. My sister has become lively and lovely. It is only natural that Hua Jinyan has changed.

Little Taotie's stomach growled.

She just ate a mouthful of garlic ribs and broke her teeth, and she didn't even swallow a mouthful of meat.

"Are you hungry?" Hua Jinyan asked concerned.

Little Taotie tightly covered his mouth, swearing to death that he would not eat, never revealing that he was missing a tooth.

When the brothers and Hua Jinyan circled around her, the auntie nanny turned silently and went to the kitchen. She couldn't squeeze in at all. These men were all in a hurry. What's the use of coaxing, they have to come up with real things Only useful!
The nanny took out the corn, cut off the corn kernels with a knife, removed the millet with a measuring spoon, put a small amount of rice, put it into the wall breaker, poured milk, and covered it.

Not long after, a bowl of milky corn juice was completed!

She chose the most beautiful bear glass, inserted a straw, and made sure the temperature was around 37 degrees before taking out the corn juice.

A smell of corn mixed with milk smell penetrated into the nose, the little Taotie blinked and swallowed subconsciously.

"Come on, use a straw to drink without opening your mouth." The nanny stuffed the straw into her mouth intimately, without showing any teeth.

Little Taotie's eyes lit up, he played with his eyes at the nanny, and smiled.

"Suck, suck, suck~"


Little Taotie's heart was bubbling with joy, the little man was immersed in the fragrance of corn milk, he couldn't come sooner!

The auntie nanny raised her chin proudly at a group of "useless men".

Cheng Guodong: "..." Is she too drifting?

Qin Xin: "..." I want to treat her to fried squid.

Gu Yixing: "..." I'm a bit greedy, it's delicious, why is it only for the little glutton?
Tao Bin took action, stepped forward and shouted: "Auntie, I'm hungry too!"

Tao Bin is a martial arts practitioner, he gets hungry easily, and he is only in his early ten years old. Although he is big and tall, the childishness in his eyes is still very touching. The nanny went to the kitchen and poured it for him immediately. a cup.

"Brother, do you drink?" Tao Bin asked.

Tao Shen shook his head: "I'm not hungry."

Hearing this, Tao Bin drank happily, his mouth was still very sweet, and he kept praising the nanny and auntie for her cooking skills.

(End of this chapter)

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