Chapter 1552 She Didn't Close the Window

Little Taotie's sense of smell was much sharper than before, and the sourness at this moment was indescribable, a shock flashed in his big shining eyes, and the mist instinctively climbed into his eye sockets due to the sour smell.

She stepped back in embarrassment as if she had been hit hard, the shock on her face was hard to fade.

With trembling hands, he took out the mask to cover his small face, especially the nose area.

Everything was ready, she approached the drawer as if she was facing an enemy.

Although separated by a mask, the indescribable sour smell penetrated into the nostrils through the gaps in the material of the mask. Little Taotie frowned tightly, rolled up his sleeves, frantically pulled out a tissue, and began to tidy up the drawers.

The paper towel was soaked in yogurt, and the sticky touch was all over the hands. The little man's eyes were full of despair, he closed his eyes and continued to tidy up. The fiery red fox that had jumped on the bed a long time ago laughed heartily, and his big tail swayed wildly. With the joy of the moment.

Little Taotie glared at it angrily, but unfortunately his eyes were not lethal, Feng Qi still laughed unscrupulously.

Sister A Piao, who is Feng Qi's apprentice, looked helpless at the moment, and advised Master not to smile, but Feng Qi not only stopped smiling, but even put on the pads, laughing more wantonly: "Your face is distorted and deformed. Just laugh, be careful not to suffocate internal injuries."

Sister Ah Piao was extremely depressed, and she couldn't persuade Master, so she could only hide in the horse-faced bell.

Little Glutton managed to clean up the yogurt that was poured in the drawer, but the smell in the drawer could not be removed for the time being.

Little Taotie rushed to the bathroom, her white and tender little hands turned red from rubbing, and the scent of the hand sanitizer was very strong, covering up the sour smell.

Little Taotie took off his mask and smelled his little hands, and he was relieved to make sure that his little hands were delicious.

After coming out of the bathroom, the sour smell of over-fermented yogurt in the room was particularly obvious. She hurriedly opened the window to ventilate, and after a long time of tossing, the smell in the room was blown away.

Little Taotie fell asleep with his head tilted, and he didn't know when he fell asleep. The window was still open, and the night wind was blowing into the room.

Feng Qi, who was still joking about the little Taotie just now, frowned, looked at the window, then looked at the little Taotie, worried whether this weak body would catch a cold.

Feng Qi jumped onto the windowsill, trying to close the window.

He stretched out his claws several times, but all of them were empty.

At this moment it is a little resentful.

Blame this useless spirit.

Hua Jinyan was worried about Little Taotie, and once again came to Little Taotie's door and knocked on the door, but the door didn't open, but Feng Qi came out through the door.

Feng Qi: "She fell asleep."

Hua Jinyan nodded: "Then I'm leaving."

"and many more."

Hua Jinyan stopped in his tracks.

"She didn't close the window."

Hua Jinyan frowned tightly: "Got it."

Hua Jinyan started to leave again.

Feng Qi looked at his back, and murmured in her heart: Becoming a brat is still such a stinky fart!It seems that only in front of Xiao Taotie, Hua Jinyan speaks a little more?
When Hua Jinyan came back, he had a spare key in his hand.

Hua Jinyan opened the door carefully, and saw the little Taotie lying on the bed without a good quilt.

Maybe it was because she was too tired, the little girl slept deeply, her little face was flushed, her little mouth was slightly pursed, and there was a suspicious sparkle at the corner of her mouth.

Hua Jinyan first closed the window tightly, then tilted her head and gently straightened her, then covered her with a quilt, and when she was about to leave, she saw the drawer that was open to disperse the smell.

It was dawn, and the sun was shining through the curtains into the room. Little Taotie didn't want to get up at all, and silently pulled up the quilt, covered his little head in the quilt, and continued to sleep soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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