Chapter 1554 My sister is hard to be spoiled

The bell rang loudly, Little Taotie was still covered with a quilt, but he didn't want to get up.

In fact, she is already fully awake, but she just doesn't want to wake up, thinking that she has lost a tooth... If her classmates see her, she will definitely laugh at herself!

Although she already had a way to block it, she was still a little worried, afraid that this trick would not work.

The brothers downstairs had already gathered at the dining table, looking up at the stairs from time to time, waiting for Little Taotie to go downstairs.

Tao Bin was impatient, pacing back and forth: "Why don't you come down, if you don't come down, you will be late."

Qin Xin took out her mobile phone, "I'll send a text message to the head teacher."

Seeing him sending short messages slowly, Cheng Guodong couldn't wait, so he pressed his phone directly, "Let me call the head teacher!"

Qin Xin put away her mobile phone and nodded: "Okay. How are you going to tell the teacher that she went to bed late? Or lie to the teacher, saying that she has an announcement this morning, so she can't make it?"

"This..." Cheng Guodong secretly wanted to say that his sister was late because he had a job, but then he thought it was not good to lie to the teacher.

Qin Xin seemed to see the answer from his embarrassment, and sighed: "Don't lie, do you want to be a bad example?"

"It's not good to be honest, is it?" Cheng Guodong frowned.

"Let me send a text message."

Cheng Guodong looked at him and could only nod: "Then show me before you send it."

Qin Xin nodded, lowered her head and edited the text message.

Gu Yixing's cell phone kept vibrating, it was his manager who sent him today's work schedule.

"Your phone has been vibrating." Tao Bin reminded.

Gu Yixing shrugged: "I'm too lazy to look."

Seeing that he wasn't paying attention, Tao Bin didn't say anything else, but looked upstairs worriedly, "Why isn't my sister going downstairs, or... can I go up and have a look?"

"I slept late last night, I should just fall asleep, don't wake her up, let her sleep until she wakes up naturally." Gu Yixing hurriedly stopped him.

Tao Bin hesitated: "Would you...dote on her too much?"

Tao Bin, as his own brother, felt that if his younger sister overslept, he should wake her up, after all, he should not delay his studies.

In the Tao family, although the fake younger sister used to be very cute and loved by her parents, her parents would never spoil her. Indulging her, she would turn off the heating, and deliberately change it to cold air, so that she could no longer stay in the room and ran out by herself.

If Xiao Taotie was in Tao's house, maybe he would be treated similarly, right?

Tao Bin thought about it, a little lost in thought.

Gu Yixing didn't know what he was thinking, but when he saw that he was a little distracted, he frowned, "Is this considered petting? To be honest, if my sister doesn't want to go out to study, we will ask someone to go home to teach her, and we won't let her at all. She got up early and went to bed early to go around the school, but asked the teacher who came back to arrange the teaching time according to her schedule."

When Tao Bin heard Gu Yixing's remarks, he was somewhat skeptical: "Aren't you afraid that she will be spoiled?"

"Spoiled?" Gu Yixing shook his head with a smile: "If spoiled, we wish to spoil her, hope she is a delicate little princess! Unfortunately, the essence is there, and it is difficult for a younger sister to be spoiled. Usually, you don't need an alarm clock to call her." Get up, study and work without delay, and do everything well, no one needs to worry about it at all! Sometimes I tell her to rest, but she still doesn't listen!"

Tao Bin froze for a moment, then murmured in a low voice: "The essence is's hard to be spoiled..."

(End of this chapter)

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