Chapter 1561 The English Teacher Is Scary

Sitting on the seat, the little Taotie thought silently in his heart: Don't call me, don't call me...

It was contrary to expectations, and the little old lady's rigid voice sounded: "Tao Ti."

She considers herself to be a strict, elderly little old lady, so she will not call the little girl Xiao Taotie affectionately like other teachers, she will always be called by her real name.

Little Taotie stood up like an electric shock, his face was pained, and his hand was still covering his mouth.

The English teacher asked knowingly: "How do you pronounce it with your hands covered? The pronunciation will not be standard, take it off quickly."

Little Taotie: "..."

The pitiful big eyes looked at the little old lady aggrieved.

She could see a row of daisies swaying in the wind above the little old lady's head, and she was very happy.

In fact, looking at the world from the perspective of Xiao Taotie, it is a very fantasy world. There are various plants on everyone’s head. The ones that look good to her may be bouquets, the ones that are malicious to her may be poisonous mushrooms, and others cannot see. In her eyes, Ah Piao is also full of strange things, some are evil spirits, some are resentful spirits, and some are transparent pure spirits...

Little Taotie was vague: "Can I not take it down?"

The little old lady is quite serious: "It will affect your pronunciation."

Little Taotie: "Is there room for negotiation?"

The little old lady is cold and heartless: "No."

Little Taotie blinked his eyes, put down his hand with great difficulty, "Okay."

The English teacher and the whole class looked at her curiously. For students of this age, they will experience tooth replacement one after another, so they can also guess that Xiao Taotie may have changed teeth. Gluttonous.

The English teacher pointed to the picture on the slide, which was a big fat cat.

Little Taotie read English smoothly, and when she opened her mouth, she felt countless pairs of eyes locked on her teeth.

After Xiao Taotie answered, she hid outside the classroom window and took a sneak shot. The homeroom teacher, who looked a bit unkind, put down the high-definition camera, and she looked puzzled.

The lens of the high-definition camera is like the big eyes of a frog, the focal length is magnified several times, and the teeth of the little Taotie are clearly photographed.

The homeroom teacher looked at the picture on the screen, Xiao Taotie had all his teeth, and he didn't seem to have any teeth.

But it looked... a bit unnatural.

Very strange.

The homeroom teacher lowered his head and magnified the photo several times, and finally found the trick!
Where are the teeth, this is obviously reflective paper, like plastic paper.

Little Taotie didn't know that her "false teeth" had been spotted by the homeroom teacher. She saw that the students were all looking at her with curious and doubtful eyes. Obviously, she didn't realize that she was missing a front tooth. She was relieved.

The English teacher narrowed her old eyes slightly, and the folds at the end of her eyes exploded. She has been a teacher for 30 years, and she has taught countless students. This little trick is drizzle in her eyes, and she sees it right away .

The English teacher asked, "Tao Ti, you got something between your teeth."

Little Taotie skipped a sign in his heart, and said vaguely, "No..."

The English teacher walked towards her.

Little Taotie has the urge to run away, the English teacher is so scary!
The English teacher pressed the little girl by the shoulder before she ran away.

The students in the classroom were all blown up, chattering and whispering.

"Is there something in Little Taotie's teeth?"

"Hey, why didn't I see it?"

"The teacher is standing on the podium, but he can still see it. His eyes are really good!"

"Teacher is so old, but his eyes are still so sharp!"

"Why do I feel that Xiao Taotie's teeth are obedient? It seems that they are not as white as before?"

"From my angle, Little Taotie's teeth seem to reflect light...not like teeth!"

(End of this chapter)

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