Chapter 1563 Corrected a hundred times
"What's wrong with the soybeans? Let me tell you, don't sell me anxiety by boasting here!"

"Yes yes yes, don't sell anxiety! Hee hee hee, I just learned this word, I think it's so cool!"

"What does selling anxiety mean?"

The study committee member pushed his glasses, like an old pedant: "Trafficking anxiety refers to online accounts or physical enterprises, individuals, etc., through articles, videos and other publicity methods, by increasing people's anxiety about something or something and profiting from it. (Including increasing attention, increasing traffic, earning money and other profit methods), or some training institutions often publicize to parents: if children do not learn some later courses in advance, they will be left behind by classmates, etc. To achieve the purpose of selling courses. From a global perspective, the prevalence of anxiety disorders has surpassed the well-known depression and has become the number one enemy of human mental health."

"Study committee member, how do you know so much?"

"If you read more news and newspapers, knowledge will naturally enter your brain."

"We are discussing whether to eat or not to eat braised chicken drumsticks. How can it be related to anxiety or not? I really don't understand!"

"Little idiots, my father said that soy sauce is a fermented product. Eating a little is indeed good for the body, but most of the soybeans now are made of soybeans. Think about it, soy sauce made from soybeans can Is it a good thing?"

"Turn what because soy is a bad thing?"

"It's not healthy anyway."

"You don't even make it clear, it's not convincing at all."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to say, I listen to my dad, I won't eat it! Whoever you like to eat, eat it, and you will become a big fool if you eat it, it has nothing to do with me!"

"It's so funny, you'll be a fool if you eat some soy sauce."

"Hey, don't believe it! Do you know about Alzheimer's? That kind of thing belongs to the category of big idiots! If you eat too many unhealthy things, you will become big idiots when you get old!"

"You're talking nonsense, I don't believe it!"

"Hmph, I just love fried chicken legs and braised chicken legs, I don't believe it either!"

The English teacher tapped the podium with a blackboard eraser, "Quiet."

Only then did the students realize that they had changed from whispering to arguing with loud voices.

It's over, it's over, if you wander off in English class and talk nonsense, you will definitely be punished by the teacher!

Copy words a hundred times and a thousand times, or stand in a class?

They looked anxiously at the serious little old lady with a stern face, their eyes were full of pity and grievance, they wanted to win a little sympathy, and hoped that the teacher's punishment would be lighter.

The English teacher was ruthless: "Everyone in the class, start writing words silently now, and correct every mistake a hundred times."

The whole class gasped!
Obviously just reciting words, even if I am wrong, I will lose face in front of the whole class. How come the whole class is writing words silently now?

Someone tried to haggle, only to have the callous English teacher ask: "You're upset about this."

"It's not dissatisfaction..."

The English teacher interrupted him: "Then you are treated differently from everyone else."


"You corrected it two hundred times."

"I buy Karma! Teacher, please forgive me, I was wrong! I talk too much, I slapped myself!"

"Hit once, add a hundred times."

The student was aggrieved and silent, and dared not speak.

The English teacher looked at him ruthlessly: "Why don't you think that you are all right? If you are all right, you don't need to correct it again."

(End of this chapter)

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